Here's the dialogue!
Lori Says: Hey! CLICK HERE to receive our Multiple Streams of Income Home Study Program for 7 days and for only a buck!
Lori Says: Just type 'HI' or 'Hello' in the space below to let me know you are there.
Lori Says: Why not invest in yourself? Why not learn how to create as many income streams as you desire? With this program in your hands you'll discover the real secrets to generating true wealth and personal freedom.
Lori Says: Whenever you are ready, just type 'HI' or 'HELLO' and we can get started...
You: You think I'm a complete ******, right?
Lori Says: This amazing offer is only available through this chat and for a limited time. CLICK HERE to take advantage of this deal.
You: You must think I'm a complete loser and total ********, right?
Lori Says: Robert Allen's Home Study Course includes: The Road to Wealth, 7 Strategies for Making a Fortune Online, Nothing Down Real Estate Techniques, How to Make $24,000 in 24 Hrs. on the Internet, and much, much more
You: Wot yous typing, there?
Lori Says: We have already helped over 200 people become millionaires and we are ready to show you how you can be the next one!
Lori Says: $1 is a painless drop in the bucket compared to the money you'd be missing-out on if you choose not to get this course.
You: How much time & money are you going to waste 'talking' to me?
Lori Says: We will give you our Multiple Streams of Income Home Study Program for 7 days for just for a buck! Just give us
You: What?
Lori Says: Soon you can live life on your terms - and we will help you along the way. 🙂
You: Jesus can help you?
You: Are you listening to me?
Oh, well...... I was only faking it, I was really, really interested! Shame! :innocent:
Lori Says: Hey! CLICK HERE to receive our Multiple Streams of Income Home Study Program for 7 days and for only a buck!
Lori Says: Just type 'HI' or 'Hello' in the space below to let me know you are there.
Lori Says: Why not invest in yourself? Why not learn how to create as many income streams as you desire? With this program in your hands you'll discover the real secrets to generating true wealth and personal freedom.
Lori Says: Whenever you are ready, just type 'HI' or 'HELLO' and we can get started...
You: You think I'm a complete ******, right?
Lori Says: This amazing offer is only available through this chat and for a limited time. CLICK HERE to take advantage of this deal.
You: You must think I'm a complete loser and total ********, right?
Lori Says: Robert Allen's Home Study Course includes: The Road to Wealth, 7 Strategies for Making a Fortune Online, Nothing Down Real Estate Techniques, How to Make $24,000 in 24 Hrs. on the Internet, and much, much more
You: Wot yous typing, there?
Lori Says: We have already helped over 200 people become millionaires and we are ready to show you how you can be the next one!
Lori Says: $1 is a painless drop in the bucket compared to the money you'd be missing-out on if you choose not to get this course.
You: How much time & money are you going to waste 'talking' to me?
Lori Says: We will give you our Multiple Streams of Income Home Study Program for 7 days for just for a buck! Just give us
You: What?
Lori Says: Soon you can live life on your terms - and we will help you along the way. 🙂
You: Jesus can help you?
You: Are you listening to me?
Oh, well...... I was only faking it, I was really, really interested! Shame! :innocent: