Gordon's cunning plan

Just thought of a great alternative to Parliamentary democracy.
They pick a pub at random in the UK and pose the question. After 1 hour they ring back to see what the vote was in the pub. Problem solved and about 10 billion ££££££s a year saved. Unemployment figure up by only 650 useless nerks !
From the FT .

"only 1 per cent of Britons contacted could identify the limit for deposit protection (£35,000, or roughly $70,000). " ...AND yet in afurther survey carried out by Chump poll..
90 out of every 100 people surveyed could name the stars of the top running 3 soap shows ...and 70 out of those knew the bra size of their favourite soap star..

Let's be blunt those 99% deserve the govt they get. 😉
chump, what does this really tell you? I know you’re an avid student of socio-political-finance so it should be easy for you.

It suggests to me that only around 1% of people in the UK have anything like £35K or more to protect. I can believe this.

Any ideas what the average life savings are for a retiring couple in the UK or in the US? The average is less than £1000 per couple (UK) and just under $400 per retiree (US). Staggering, isn't it.

As for soaps, chump, you're on about soaps...again. You watch them, don't you. Come on, admit it, Neighbours, East Enders, Coronation Street, Emmerdale (is Crossroads still going?) and whatever else they have on these days in the UK. And you should too. Because soaps are what most real people really think reality is about. And if you're going to successfully negotiate your way through life, you're going to bump into these people from time to time and you need to know what they're thinking so you can shaft them good and proper and get away before they realise it.

Plus, the government illicitly sponsors these shows to keep the masses subdued and believing that the life they have isn't a lot different to the life they see on TV (crap and depressing) so they must be doing OK. Stops them getting uppity and trying to get above the rest of the herd where they might begin to have some clout and opt-out of what the government is so keen to have the masses opted-into without realising it or even if they do, having the means to change it. This stuff works.

Come on then, get it off your chest. Who's your fav and what her (or his) bra size then.....?
chump, what does this really tell you? I know you’re an avid student of socio-political-finance so it should be easy for you.

It suggests to me that only around 1% of people in the UK have anything like £35K or more to protect. I can believe this.

Any ideas what the average life savings are for a retiring couple in the UK or in the US? The average is less than £1000 per couple (UK) and just under $400 per retiree (US). Staggering, isn't it.

As for soaps, chump, you're on about soaps...again. You watch them, don't you. Come on, admit it, Neighbours, East Enders, Coronation Street, Emmerdale (is Crossroads still going?) and whatever else they have on these days in the UK. And you should too. Because soaps are what most real people really think reality is about. And if you're going to successfully negotiate your way through life, you're going to bump into these people from time to time and you need to know what they're thinking so you can shaft them good and proper and get away before they realise it.

Plus, the government illicitly sponsors these shows to keep the masses subdued and believing that the life they have isn't a lot different to the life they see on TV (crap and depressing) so they must be doing OK. Stops them getting uppity and trying to get above the rest of the herd where they might begin to have some clout and opt-out of what the government is so keen to have the masses opted-into without realising it or even if they do, having the means to change it. This stuff works.

Come on then, get it off your chest. Who's your fav and what her (or his) bra size then.....?

LOL...you mean they don't have 35K to worry about !

Ok,on to serious matters ..Fight Back Against Rising Food Prices!

I think I have a civic duty to help this fight against rising prices of food stuffs so to do my part I am now advertising for a gardener to grow some of this food stuff . Please forward your CV's. Sharky may also apply as speeling and gwammar are not prerequisites for the job.
He's standing on a banana skin.

Blair's is a hard act to follow. However, after Brown----who?
He's standing on a banana skin.

Blair's is a hard act to follow. However, after Brown----who?

Cameron, presumably. Gordon can't communicate - why they ever thought he could goodness knows. He lost it last autumn when he bottled out. Milliband (Foreign Sec) is just biding his time.
Perhaps Gordon should be known as Brownadder after all he has the doubtful benefit of Tony "Baldric" Robinson on the NEC
Cameron, presumably. Gordon can't communicate - why they ever thought he could goodness knows. He lost it last autumn when he bottled out. Milliband (Foreign Sec) is just biding his time.

I'm not sorry for him. He never seemed to me to be supportive of Tony Blair. He used to sit in Parliament like a statue, completely expressionless, gazing into space. Let's face it, being the Chanceller in the years of global prosperity that we have had was a piece of cake for him. Now is going to be the difficult part. Lawson was another, similar, case, when he was with Thatcher

In Spain there is a similar case with the, now, opposition party PP. Rajoy has a difficult task in following Aznar, who was a brilliant political leader.
I'm not sorry for him. He never seemed to me to be supportive of Tony Blair. He used to sit in Parliament like a statue, completely expressionless, gazing into space. Let's face it, being the Chanceller in the years of global prosperity that we have had was a piece of cake for him. Now is going to be the difficult part. Lawson was another, similar, case, when he was with Thatcher

In Spain there is a similar case with the, now, opposition party PP. Rajoy has a difficult task in following Aznar, who was a brilliant political leader.

Wasn't Aznar a big mate of Tony's ? Whatever one thinks of their politics, they both had that personal magnetism that Gordie wouldn't recognise even if it jumped up and bit him in the bum.

Only a politician could have thought that a vote-winner is having 5 mill poor people being tax worse off, while the richer rest benefit. But all his followers voted for it - I wonder if they were more worried about their Party than their constituents ? Nah, ..... that would be cynical ! No place in my landscape. 😉
Old Labour imho became completely unelectable after the chaos of the 70s. So New Labour was born. Out with the Trots, Marxists and other left wing extremists and in with a kinder pink party PLUS more business friendly. A winning combination as it turned out. Pally with Washington and drop the Kremlin which fell flat on its own face. Britain and NATO became a catspaw for the US with Teflon Tony laughing all the way to the bank !! No flies on him it seems.
Poor Tony - struggling to pay his mortage - unloved
He deserves to be married to her...... 🙂
Any man capable of making a very public U-turn in response to the wishes of the people gets all the respect he deserves.

Gordon Brown - A Man for All Reasons. Whatever they are. Whenever.
Any man capable of making a very public U-turn in response to the wishes of the people gets all the respect he deserves.

Gordon Brown - A Man for All Reasons. Whatever they are. Whenever.

Here here - the first politician to do something for a long time when the long suffering public finally gets fed up. If only to deflate some ire !!

He'll be kissing babies next off ?
Anyone who flops at a critical moment is unlikely to get a roll in a pawn movie, especially when he's already got shot of the precious glistering stuff prematurely.
Anyone who flops at a critical moment is unlikely to get a roll in a pawn movie, especially when he's already got shot of the precious glistering stuff prematurely.

Yes, the fact that he sold our gold at the wrong time should have warned us, as that was years ago.

He has sat on his backside. behind Blair. for more than a decade, taking credit for boom years that he had no part in. Of course, the Labour government cracked him up and we believed it.

Governments who are in power today, not just the UK one, are going to be judged by whether thay can make a country boom in a global economic downturn. I don't think it is possible, so they will always blame the rest of the world for their woes. When things get better, it will be them that did it.

You should hear Zapatero and company telling the Spanish thet Spain is better off than the rest of Europe. You can believe that, if you wish! They are not, necessarily, worse -----but better? Well, we,ve got some sun, for which he takes full credit.

Yes, the fact that he sold our gold at the wrong time should have warned us, as that was years ago.

He has sat on his backside. behind Blair. for more than a decade, taking credit for boom years that he had no part in. Of course, the Labour government cracked him up and we believed it.

Governments who are in power today, not just the UK one, are going to be judged by whether thay can make a country boom in a global economic downturn. I don't think it is possible, so they will always blame the rest of the world for their woes. When things get better, it will be them that did it.

You should hear Zapatero and company telling the Spanish thet Spain is better off than the rest of Europe. You can believe that, if you wish! They are not, necessarily, worse -----but better? Well, we,ve got some sun, for which he takes full credit.


Despite their conman talk, they can't control economic cycles because no one has yet worked out why they occur - chaos theory? If only the politicians acted like a responsible housewife with her budget then we'd all be better off when the bad times come (as they always do).

But that's not what most of the electorate really wants is it? Is it any wonder we get boom / bust merchants like Gordie (and Lawson years ago) ?
So what do we expect next? Something like Lamont and his 'seeds of recovery' which took about 10 years to finally appear?

All this food prices business though: take away their satellite tv's and their Domino's Pizzas (bread and the circus) and then what will happen?