Good trending market


Can anyone recommend another good trending market? I'm currently using a very simple MACD strategy on the DOW and its working ok, however it doesn't seem to perform so well on other markets, I've looked at the DAX, EURUSD, and Gold but none perform as well.
Can anyone recommend another good trending market? I'm currently using a very simple MACD strategy on the DOW and its working ok, however it doesn't seem to perform so well on other markets, I've looked at the DAX, EURUSD, and Gold but none perform as well.

have you thought of stocks? There are loads of great trending ones within FTSE250
have you thought of stocks? There are loads of great trending ones within FTSE250

I hadn't to be honest, I'm always a bit put off with stocks, mainly because of the gap risk as they are only open 8:00-16:30, I also mainly trade on 1 hour candles which get messed up with the gap too.
You might how to try crude oil. I would have assumed it would have worked well on gold. Also how about any futures currency. I think you should take a look at those.
A trending market is move only in one direction whether it is upward or downwards,Bull market is trending upward, Thank You