good salary jobs related to financial markets?


Experienced member
i'm realising more than ever you DO need money to make money, and i generally don't think i could psychologically cope without some sort of job security.

that said, i still want to trade, very much so and i'm trying to figure out what to do with my life. I'm looking for jobs involved in financial markets/trading (not being a trader myself) which pay well ( £100k+). Any such jobs?
i'd like to workr around trading....dealing maybe....wherever the money is to be honest
well yeah, not many kids come out of schoool with a few GCSE's and then land a 100k job in the financial markets!
Cool. Go for it then.... Dont see why you should settle for 100k though. Maybe 150k or so would be more suitable?
whats joint first in economics gcse? i thought it was all a* a b c

btw economists usually make crap traders
Seriously chartsy, you shouldn't choose a career because you think it pays well. You could find yourself stuck in a boring job you hate that you can't move from because you can't get the money elsewhere. Find something that you are interested in and are good at. Because if you are good, you will do well and the money will follow.

Poor employees in banks do not last long - they are fairly ruthless with redundancies and only like to keep the best long term.