Good Forex Club To Join

err, something missing, Mike? I don't see any of the brokers or hedge funds that follow you listed here? In fact, NO ONE is listed.


Like I always say about these clowns, the slightest bit of research leads to evidence of half truths, deception and lies.
i was just looking at that!


Impressive client list.

1 Hoodless Brennan fined over 200k by the FSA for dodgy practices.

2 fined 500k by the SEC for screwing clients with dodgy spread and margin practices.
How do you know if your not wasting your time using free information I am not saying all of it is guff but why would someone give away a strategy that makes tons of money for free? Its like McDonald giving away there recipe for a big mac they would be bankrupt within days.

If it's free, generic information that pertains to money management, risk management, fundamental analysis or trading psychology it'll probably all be useful, not a waste of time IMO. You'll know your wasting your time once it all becomes repetitive.

Additionalyy I believe it is valuable to get a good grasp of the major forms of technical analysis. John Murphy's Technical Analysis of the Financial Markets is good, or you could do the babypips online thing. You won't be wasting your time.

If someone is onto a really good trading system, one that is highly profitable and easily executed, then not only are they unlikely to give it away as you say, but they're also unlikely to even sell it. I really thing you've got to come up with something yourself, and to do that, you need the basics. IMO the cheapest and most efficient way of doing that is getting stuck into the books.

Once you understand the basics, you can do your own research and make you own observations using the tools you now have at your disposal. If you can do this well, then you can at least see the potential available. And your not limited to some other guys way at looking at things.

Anyhow, best of luck with whatever path you choose. :smart:
Impressive client list.

1 Hoodless Brennan fined over 200k by the FSA for dodgy practices.

2 fined 500k by the SEC for screwing clients with dodgy spread and margin practices.

Notice also how those clients are listed on the marketing site and not the trading site.

Oh, and I didn't mean to say earlier that trading is easy by any means. I meant that the technical, generic aspects of trading are not difficult to learn. Coming up with profitable techniques is a breeze, but this is all beginners seem to want.

I have found that executing a given strategy consistently has been the most challenging aspect.
You are quite right folks, I was a business partner with my wife in - our clients were respectable organisations like Swiss Re / Dti / / Etrade etc etc.

Any wrong doings by a client at the hands of one Director who was dealt with by the FSA before my involvement with Hoodless, have nothing to do with me.

When I left school I traded on the Lloyds Non marine floor, traded stocks since 1984 in my own account, and when I worked in 'The Hamiltons', our clients used my financial knowledge and understanding to develop internal and external communications. I was swing trading all through my career since 1984. I have been mentoring in trading for 3 years.

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You are quite right folks, I was a business partner with my wife in - our clients were respectable organisations like Swiss Re / Dti / / Etrade etc etc

Any wrong doings by a client at the hands of one Director who was dealt with by the FSA before my involvement with Hoodless, have nothing to do with me.


Mike aka Gain Capital were not a respectable organisation, they were fined half a million dollars for manipulating the spread and margin in favour of themselves thereby causing losses to clients. However that is not your fault of course. The point is that it appears you are a marketing expert, not a trading expert.
You are quite right folks, I was a business partner with my wife in - our clients were respectable organisations like Swiss Re / Dti / / Etrade etc etc.

Any wrong doings by a client at the hands of one Director who was dealt with by the FSA before my involvement with Hoodless, have nothing to do with me.

When I left school I traded on the Lloyds Non marine floor, traded stocks since 1984 in my own account, and when I worked in 'The Hamiltons', our clients used my financial knowledge and understanding to develop internal and external communications. I was swing trading all through my career since 1984. I have been mentoring in trading for 3 years.


Can you direct me to one of your videos where you trade live. What I mean is a video where it shows you placing a trade with stoploss etc. The only videos I saw just show the chart, the open P&L is not showing nor are the orders etc.
Can you direct me to the relevant videos where you trade live showing live P&L etc etc?
I have my futures account on another pc so up till now I have not shown my platform alongside trades, but I do show my end of day P&L to the members of my trader's community and I will get this years trade accounts verfied by an independant auditor for publication.

In the meantime, this thread is supposed to be about trading communities, not me.

The original thread was about joining a traders community. This has gone right off the point.


Sorry, Mike. The OP was looking to pay to join a club and "watch over the shoulder of an experienced trader". You conveniently placed all the links to your site and youtube videos so naturally you are getting called out on it. Your "clients" are listed on your marketing site that you forgot to mention, NOT your trading site, said clients have been heavily fined for dirty dealings, none of the youtube videos I've seen shows any actual trading, you still haven't shown any proof of the 800+ pips made by a client in 3 days or any statement of account.

Come on, Mike. If you want us to believe you and spend our money on you then you need to do better than that.

Come on, Mike. If you want us to believe you and spend our money on you then you need to do better than that.


Good point but I doubt it will make much difference whatever he shows.

The more proof you show, the more it will be picked apart.

Those that don't believe, won't believe, whatever.
Hi Peter,

I got distracted with people digging up my past and going on about my brand consultancy clients; all irrelevant.

The live trades are here, all trades are taken in front of an audience - the 4 links at the bottom are the relevant ones.

I have some screen dumps taken from my end of day total on my futures platform. When I fire up my main machine tomorrow I will post them.

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trader dante said:
Good point but I doubt it will make much difference whatever he shows.

The more proof you show, the more it will be picked apart.

So therefore show no proof at all, expect no one to call you out and everyone to sign up??
I'm not asking for anything but SOME evidence that a vendor can do what he says. How hard is that?

trader dante said:
Those that don't believe, won't believe, whatever.

Spoken like a true vendor. Shame on you for saying that. People want to believe all the time and get scammed. You know that. That's the point of this exercise. I firmly believe those who are the real deal will be happy to show their trades and performance. After all, you are asking for their money, right?

I see Mike has posted a link to some videos. I did watch one of the oil trades. Thanks, Mike. Thats all I was asking for...SOME sort of evidence so anyone interested can decide what they want. But why did we have to pull teeth to get it?

Good point but I doubt it will make much difference whatever he shows.

The more proof you show, the more it will be picked apart.

Those that don't believe, won't believe, whatever.

Tom, your lad Bison, the one who lost 10% of his account on a single cable trade against the trend last week, did you advise him on that?
Spoken like a true vendor. Shame on you for saying that.

I think you are missing the point slightly. I think vendors should back their claims up but I am merely saying it will make no difference to the skeptics...or those that spend their time looking for lulz for that matter.
Tom, your lad Bison, the one who lost 10% of his account on a single cable trade against the trend last week, did you advise him on that?


I don't advise on trades.

Incidentally though, I took a trade short in Cable last week. He have might have done something similar.

I lost 8 pips. (and you should have seen the entry...)

But come on Swan, don't try and spin it with "10% of his account on a SINGLE trade" rubbish.

That's his betting size. He had a loser. Big deal.

You don't go from £2,500 - £78,000 in nine months, risking 1% 🙂
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