Good Bookshop in Watford


For anyone in North London/Hertfordshire.

A new Borders bookshop has opened in Watford. They have the best array of trading books I have come across (apart from Amazon of course). So if you want to browse your trading books before you pay £50 I think it is a great place to go.
Books north of Watford too!

Looks like Borders is a good place. I don't know how many branches they have, but I've just got back from their store at Fosse Park, Leicester (at M1 & M69 junction) and was amazed. Best selection of Trader books I've ever seen in any shop. Waterstones is hopeless.

Got an in-store Starbucks too!

I've always found the best selection of books online to be at, and they're often much cheaper than anywhere else too.

As a favour to Sharky, if anyone is going to buy a book from Global Investor (or indeed Amazon) can you please click on the link from the home page of T2W? The tiny commission which this generates goes towards the running costs of the site (hosting, etc). Thanks!
Best Bookshop

After spedning £100's with &
I found what I think is the best traders bookshop this side of the Atlantic:

Global Investor Bookshop

They are cheaper than amazon and have very reasonable shipping.
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Clearly for browsing only (as you pay full price) the best place I've found is just by Liverpool Street Station in London. Can't for the life of me remember what its called but its at the junction of London Wall and Bishopsgate for anyone wanting to browse.


I know the shop, used to work nearly. Its name might be something like "City Bookshop" (surprise!).

But really, you can't miss it.
Believe this may be it;

Financial World Bookshop
90, Bishopsgate

Tel: 020 7444 7118

The best online bookshop by miles is - the world's largest online marketplace for used, rare, and out-of-print books.

Otherwise, I agree with the others here about the merits of global investor bookshop - but they don't do coffee or provide comfortable armchairs - well, at least as far as I know that is!

Hi Mayfly

indeed that is a very good source of old books...

unfortunately they do not have Cohen book on point & figure...only one missing from my library....

Borders in London was very limited in titles on TA perhaps Watford one is incidence, I was in Watford and during weekend near Fosse Park and missed both the stores...!!!

Where is the one in Watford..anywhere near Harlequin???..Same for Fosse Park

But I agree if this site gets a commission then I would use Global Investor as most of my books have been from them....
Hi Zambuck,

In that case, I can only suggest that you add the book to your "list of wants" on in the hope that a copy of the book will turn up in the fullness of time.

Alternatively, you could try the STA's lending library as they may well have a copy or copies of their own, although these will be reserved for lending to members - but, then I'm sure you know someone who belongs to the society?

Otherwise, the only other alternative that I can think of is for you to put a request to borrow a copy from someone who has a copy and who uses the forum on the Indexia site. I'm sure that there must be at least one person there who has a copy


I'm popping into London today (Sunday) to do a bit of trading related book browsing. I thought I'd visit the biggies around Charing Cross Road unless anyone has any better suggestions?

(Also tips for crafty free /cheap parking most welcome)
Mmillar can you give an address or website url of the bookshop please, as I can not find it.

Thanks Ilia
IK - MMillar's post was 18 months ago and I don't think Watford is going to be particularly handy for you to browse-before-you-buy if you're still based in Switzerland.