Yes Fastnet
Have been long physical for over a year and long a collection of US/Canadian miners/expl. companies for nearly two years now. Plenty of ups and downs as we both know
The one I really like now is a small OFEX stock called Beowulf Gold which is starting to produce a fantastic story out of some claims it has in Sweden. The guy in charge is called Dr Bob Young and he's got a history of doing well for shareholders in penny stocks. Check out the website and see what they're up to. Phelps Dodge has recently signed a joint venture for its potential copper.
I'm a shareholder in the company for about a year and have also just added to my position via a small placing the company has done. Personally I think the assets justify at least the present shareprice (5.5p) in a worst case scenario but if all goes well I wouldn't be surprised if the share could be the next Monterrico (MNA) which has gone from 50p to over 400p in the last year.
A big story I know but these kinds of gains are not uncommon within this sector. Of course though the reverse is also true that's why I like to spread my risk over at least 10 different companies.
PS. Back to your shorting up to $415, I don't know about that one but there's some good money to be made by a nimble short selling. Having said that I think Greenspan is talking on Thursday and normally 'they' like to smash gold the day after he speaks just to let the gold bulls know who's realy in control.........for the present time anyway.......