GOLD & SILVER - next move?


Well-known member
SO are Gold and Sikver correcting recent rally - or will we see start of more serious decline? Looks like Gold should test suport near 600 level, silver down to 12 level? Any thoughts on where we are?


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how come gold january is not expired 1 month before, like oil (today)?
We are at 614 :),...which is reasonable price,...but dolar should go to 1.2870, before a reversal, so gold should go down to 570-600...or not!, and less usa wars, could be a long bulish to dollar which shouldnt push gold so higher then it used, 2 cents
true dollar could rally further..but if gold/silver weakens on the back of that, it would probably be a good buying opportunity..see chart..


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true,...but never catch a falling knife,...i will try to buy oil tomorow, also do look so nice to buy (right now),...its the holiday coming that bothers me...many do need money so they will sell oil shares, gold shares (gold),..whatever just to buy presents :)....and that might influence on stocks & futures (the liqudity must come from somewhere)...comon sense,...waiting is part of the game :),...and the falling half od also look nice to buy
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catracho said:
true dollar could rally further..but if gold/silver weakens on the back of that, it would probably be a good buying opportunity..see chart..

Sure is/will be .........

SILVER sees $20 next .......just a question of whether we see $10 first...........
Now around $12.....

Mad rush for silver "in the works"........ and I'm not sure demand will be able to keep up. :cool:
Just a matter of time.......don't be left out!
Maybe a last rally for dollar, may get one more push lower on silver & gold? This recent rally looks like just a expecting the trend to resume soon.. and to see rallies in Gold Silver Oil

see chart.


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catracho said:
Maybe a last rally for dollar, may get one more push lower on silver & gold? This recent rally looks like just a expecting the trend to resume soon.. and to see rallies in Gold Silver Oil

see chart.

Catracho - I hope you're right on potential push lower for Gold/Silver... $10 silver would suit me just fine..........
Gold and Silver holding up relatively well so far in the face of dollar strength..EURUSD broke 1.20 and no near 1.29 barely budged...yet...
catracho said:
Gold and Silver holding up relatively well so far in the face of dollar strength..EURUSD broke 1.20 and no near 1.29 barely budged...yet...

Lets hope 600 is the floor :cheesy:
Hook Shot said:
Lets hope 600 is the floor :cheesy:

I think gold has risen again due to unwelcome developments in geopolitical circumstances.

Fighter jets are back at the Incirlik airbase in Turkey after three years
+21500 troops on route to Iraq
Civil war escallating and no end in sight
Iran still a major threat to US & Israeli interests and will be attacked

The Americans are talking about pursuit and destroy missions (into Iran I suspect). We are likely to have border skirmishes very soon

UK realising US have got screws loose and will be pulling out of Iraq.

In my opinion Gold will continue to go up and the $ will continue to fall. Oil will have another shock peak around March time...
Yes long term looks like gold will get to 1000 + ; once we get a move above 660 then the nest big move up may be far we are still in a corrective move from the 700 maybe still a chance that we have not seen the last fall sub 600 yet?
catracho said:
Yes long term looks like gold will get to 1000 + ; once we get a move above 660 then the nest big move up may be far we are still in a corrective move from the 700 maybe still a chance that we have not seen the last fall sub 600 yet?

Hi everyone, I know we are all TAs but here is another piece of news pointing to what may be coming our way...

The aircraft carrier USS John C. Stennis is leaving Bremerton today with a crew of 3200. It will be collecting 80 Superhornets around San Diego and heading towards the Indian Ocean. After one month trip it will join the 5h fleet and USS Einsenhower near Bahrain.

March is looking pretty grim. Gold will start testing the 640 level again very soon.
Brand said:
Trade what you see, not what you think.

I did qualify my statement by stating we are all Technical Analysts but...

If you can't see Gold is testing 640 levels since bouncing off 600 level you better think again... :rolleyes:
Gold near that 640 level...I think long term gold will be a winner..however..not so sure that we are quite ready to break to new highs yet..still favour a test of 580 - 600..before then.. Obviously if we get a move above 650 I may well be WRONG!!
catracho said:
Gold near that 640 level...I think long term gold will be a winner..however..not so sure that we are quite ready to break to new highs yet..still favour a test of 580 - 600..before then.. Obviously if we get a move above 650 I may well be WRONG!!

On the very short run, if the price falls below 628 and then 620 then I can see it can retrace back down to 600 or even 585. If support holds then breach of 640 is on the horizons.

To support this view the 20-MA line in the past has acted as support or resistance and I consider it to be significant. If the price bounces off 630-628 then given the economic climate and geopolitical developments unravelling I think 640-650+ is a real possibility in the next few days.

If price brakes below 620 then I'd be shorting. At the mo I'm still bullish.

Also, Oil is getting good support at $50 level. All kinds of deals are being hammered out in Iraq. If the situation stabilises and oil starts flowing from there then perhaps we may see drop below $50. Otherwise as for gold geopolitical tension with Iran is going to cause another hike.
Atilla said:
On the very short run, if the price falls below 628 and then 620 then I can see it can retrace back down to 600 or even 585. If support holds then breach of 640 is on the horizons.

To support this view the 20-MA line in the past has acted as support or resistance and I consider it to be significant. If the price bounces off 630-628 then given the economic climate and geopolitical developments unravelling I think 640-650+ is a real possibility in the next few days.

If price brakes below 620 then I'd be shorting. At the mo I'm still bullish.

Also, Oil is getting good support at $50 level. All kinds of deals are being hammered out in Iraq. If the situation stabilises and oil starts flowing from there then perhaps we may see drop below $50. Otherwise as for gold geopolitical tension with Iran is going to cause another hike.

Gold has broken through 640 with a very strong uptrend about to test 650 now.

Oil is also going up.

$ is falling.

When the Fed chief talks about a Financial Crises people should listen. Last week the markets didn't even budge after his comments. Perhaps now it's sinking in.

I still feel the worst is yet to come.

Russia has sold lots of missiles to Iran. Iran is really preparing for war by test firing some even now.

All this news is likely to raise Gold and Oil price even further.

Hold on tight for the big long ride... :-0
Good Morning- NY walks into the USD trading on the back foot after a few
making the rounds- first citing on various wires is the potential
escalation of
the situation with Iran with a second carrier group being sent to the
(Although this is abt 7 days old)- along with that there is an Arab
article citing unnamed sources saying the US will launch a military
before April of this year. Ive attached it below.... Most flows have
been from
s/t models stopping out of USD longs... have already taken out a good
amount of
stops- now watching 1.3050 EUR/USD, 121.00 USD/JPY, and 1.2380 and
1.2340 in

US military strike on Iran seen by April '07; Sea-launched attack to
hit oil,

KUWAIT CITY: Washington will launch a military strike on Iran before
April 2007,
say sources. The attack will be launched from the sea and Patriot
missiles will
guard all oil-producing countries in the region, they add. Recent
emanating from the United States indicate the Bush administration's new
for Iraq doesn't include any proposal to make a compromise or negotiate
Syria or Iran. A reliable source said President Bush recently held a
with Vice President Dick Cheney, Defense Secretary Robert Gates,
Secretary of
State Dr Condoleezza Rice and other assistants in the White House where
discussed the plan to attack Iran in minute detail.

According to the source, Vice President Dick Cheney highlighted the
threat posed
by Iran to not only Saudi Arabia but the whole region. "Tehran is not
politics. Iranian leaders are using their country's religious influence
support the aggressive regime's ambition to expand," the source quoted
Cheney as saying. Indicating participants of the meeting agreed to
restrictions on the ambitions of Iranian regime before April 2007
exposing other countries in the region to any danger, the source said
"they have
chosen April as British Prime Minister Tony Blair has said it will be
the last
month in office for him. The United States has to take action against
Iran and
Syria before April 2007."

Claiming the attack will be launched from the sea and not from any
country in
the region, he said "the US and its allies will target the oil
installations and
nuclear facilities of Iran ensuring there is no environmental
catastrophe or
after effects." "Already the US has started sending its warships to the
Gulf and
the build-up will continue until Washington has the required number by
the end
of this month," the source said. "US forces in Iraq and other countries
in the
region will be protected against any Iranian missile attack by an
Patriot missile system."

He went on to say "although US Defense Secretary Robert Gates and
Secretary of
State Dr Condoleezza Rice suggested postponing the attack, President
Bush and
Vice President Dick Cheney insisted on attacking Tehran without any
based on the lesson they learnt in Iraq recently." The Bush
believes attacking Iran will create a new power balance in the region,
calm down
the situation in Iraq and pave the way for their democratic project,
which had
to be suspended due to the interference of Tehran and Damascus in Iraq,
continued. The attack on Iran will weaken the Syrian regime, which will
eventually fade away, the source said.