Gold calls.Long term -medium term and intraday calls in gold is here !.

Calls/Signals provided by "sujithsstorock" have earned me profit ?

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aug31 performance

buy usd/jpy at 9286 sl 9255 tgt 9342-9403>>closed at 9320
sell aud/usd at 8400 sl 8430 tgt 8345-8290>>entry missed
sell eur/usd at 14250 sl 14280 tgt 14221-14181>>entry missed
BUY GOLD AT 946 SL 943.33 TGT 950-956>>tgt met
sell dax at 5430 sl 5460 tgt 5398- 5340>>entry missed
total 740 usd


1>>buy spx500 at 1005 sl 1001 tgt 1011-1017
2>>sell dax at 5435 sl 5475 tgt 5380-5325
3>>sell silver at 14.9 sl 15.02 tgt 14.75
4>>sell eur/usd at 14340 sl 14370 tgt 14304-14238
5>>buy usd/cad at 10977 sl 10945 tgt 11022-11087
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calls given to clients
sep1 results

1. sell gold at 956 sl 960 tgt 951-946 >>1st tgt met, profit 500 usd
2. sell silver at 14.9 sl 15.02 tgt 14.75 >>tgt met , profit 200 usd
3. sell crude at 70.70 sl 71.45 tgt 69.9-68.09>>all tgt ,profit 1631 (total)
4. buy spx500 at 1005 sl 1001 tgt 1011-1017 >>sl hit 400 us loss
5. sell eur/usd at 14340 sl 14370 tgt 14304-14238 >>all tgt met,1st tgt profit 360 usd
6. buy usd/cad at 10977 sl 10945 tgt 11022-11087 >>all tgt met,profit 450 usd 1100usd
7. sell usd/jpy at 9320 sl 9345 tgt 9280-9250 >>1st tgt met ,profit 400 usd

total 1st tgt=500+200+500-400+360+450+400=2010 usd(safe trader)
ovar all profit 4451 usd
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a round of applause for Sujith chaps ........

$2000 in a day is awesome...........well done my friend!!
972 has fallen straight up too new highs for gold


Was clipped in to trades whilst recording a clip, straight up from here for Gold....

Will post clip and charts layer.

Get involved imv we will take out highs..


Was clipped in to trades whilst recording a clip, straight up from here for Gold....

Will post clip and charts layer.

Get involved imv we will take out highs..


Thats all time highs beyond 1032 past 1250 and I believe in enough time past $2000+
Exciting times in the gold market. Looks like a breakout on the daily chart

free trading tips INDICES,FOREX

1. buy dow jones at 9300 sl 9250 tgt 9400 spx500 at 996 sl 992 tgt 1003-1009
3.sell spx500 at 1009 sl 1013 tgt 999-985 (do the trade which meets entry)
4.sell aud/usd at 8445 sl 8470 tgt 8400-8348
september 2 trading results


sell gold at 958.5 sl 961.5 tgt 953-949>>sl hit 300 usd loss
sell silver at 14.97 sl 15.10 tgt 14.72>>sl hit 140 usd loss
sell eur/usd at 14260 sl 14290 tgt 14218-14150>>sl hit 300 usd loss
sell eur/gbp at 8785 sl 8821 tgt 8715 (positional)>>450 usd made
buy aud/usd at 8344 sl 8319 tgt 8378-8428>>trail sl hit for 100 usd profit
sell dow jones at 9310 sl 9340 tgt 9262-92>>1st tgt,profit 480 usd

total 290 usd profit

it was a tough day in commodities..!!
usd/jpy myt drop a lill to 92.20 . but safe stoploss for buyer is below yesterdays low. we recommend to buy on dip.

crude is showing a solid support at 67.5 $. dont sell it.

EUR/USD range is 14220 and 14350. i strongly feel it can be sold on rise with sl above 14350

USD/CAD can possible try to make a double top. range bound i prefer.
september 3 performance

september 3 performance
buy crude at 68.14 sl 67.2 tgt 70-73.41 >> open
sell usd/cad at 11066 sl 11115 tgt 10841-10376 >>asked to book partial at 10936,profit 1300 usd
sell aud/usd at 8445 sl 8470 tgt 8400-8348>>entry missed
buy gold at 980 sl 976 tgt 989-995 >>entry missed GOOD CALL
buy dow jones at 9300 sl 9250 tgt 9400 >> book at 9360, 600 usd profit
buy spx500 at 996 sl 992 tgt 1003-1009 >>sl hit 400 usd loss

total 1500 usd profit ..!!

check tht usd/cad risk to profit ratio 😀
free call for today


buy eur/usd at 14292 sl 14265 tgt 14335-14378
sell aud/usd at 8390 sl 8420 tgt 8360-8299

sell spx500 at 1010 sl 1018 tgt 998-985 (take 2 $=100 usd. previously we took 1 $=100 usd)
buy dow at 9290 sl 9250 tgt 9350 (yesterdays buy at 9300 book at 9360)
sell ftse 100 at 4875 sl 4905 tgt 4840-4786

buy eur/usd at 14292 sl 14265 tgt 14335-14378
sell aud/usd at 8390 sl 8420 tgt 8360-8299

sell spx500 at 1010 sl 1018 tgt 998-985 (take 2 $=100 usd. previously we took 1 $=100 usd)
buy dow at 9290 sl 9250 tgt 9350 (yesterdays buy at 9300 book at 9360)
sell ftse 100 at 4875 sl 4905 tgt 4840-4786

Sujithsstrock....what the word with gold....?
silver 1st tgt in buy met ,😀

call was>> buy silver at 15.9 sl 15.78 tgt 16.18-16.33

todays calls given were
1.sell gold at 995 sl 998 tgt 989-981 >>running silver at 15.9 sl 15.78 tgt 16.18-16.33 >> 1st tgt met

3.sep 3 given a positional holding usd/cad sell was
"sell usd/cad at 11066 sl 11115 tgt 10841-10376"
result >> 1st tgt met !! (a risk of 49 pips n tgt 250 pips ...!!!!!)

4.sell aud/usd at 8390 sl 8420 tgt 8360-8299>>entry missed

5.sell spx500 at 1010 sl 1018 tgt 998-985 (take 2 $=100 usd. previously we took 1 $=100 usd) dow at 9290 sl 9250 tgt 9350 (yesterdays buy at 9300 book at 9360)
7.sell ftse 100 at 4875 sl 4905 tgt 4840-4786
8.all tgt met ,call was >>sell usd/joy at 9316 sl 9346 tgt 9267-9230
9.take profit partial now in eur/usd >> buy eur/usd at 14292 sl 14265 tgt 14335-14378
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good nyt guys. we rocked today
usd/jpy met all tgts, eur/usd made profits,usd/cad was a jackpot,silver met all tgts,gold made 300 usd profit as well(asked to book at 992 partial). indices i couldnt check.
this weeks profit

aug31--> 740 usd
sep1-->2670 usd
sep2-->290 usd
sep3-->1500 usd
sep4-->1847 usd
all days ended in profit.

sep 4 performance
1.sell gold at 995 sl 998 tgt 989-981 >>booked partial at 992,300 usd silver at 15.9 sl 15.78 tgt 16.18-16.33>>all tgts met, 350,total 537 usd
3.sell usd/joy at 9316 sl 9346 tgt 9267-9230>>all tgt met , 490 (1st tgt) , 860 total eur/usd at 14292 sl 14265 tgt 14335-14378>>booked 15 pips profit, 150 usd
5.sell aud/usd at 8390 sl 8420 tgt 8360-8299 >>entry missed
6.sell spx500 at 1010 sl 1018 tgt 998-985 >>now 1014 dow at 9290 sl 9250 tgt 9350 >>entry missed.
8.sell ftse 100 at 4875 sl 4905 tgt 4840-4786 >> at break even now
1st tgt =300+350+150+490=1290 usd
total =1847