sell gold now at 815 stoploss 818 tgt 812-806-795
trust tgt 6:47 gmt
1st tgt met
premium service details
1)scalp trades u knw how it works at chat room
> 2)intra day calls
> 3) positional calls ...
> 4)individual attention to u. suggestions on number of lots to use ...
how to tackle if trapped in a position...exact entry exit..where to trail
stoploss etc...will be given. depending upon ur risk appetite n lot size..
special calls for individuals.
> we aim a minimum profit of 144 $ over all per month. and thts minimum .
only performance will decide how many times we break 500 $
charges will be 220 $ per month as introductory till april 2009
then depending upon performance it might be raised.
u will be provided with a yahoo id and password.everything will be done via yahoo + email service.
this service will be done by sujith and arafat jointly.
we are keeping limited clients as we must provide equal attention to all
for details PM me.