can call me since you have my phone number 😉
Goldbug you made your point; obviously you are very clever since you can access the chatroom although you are banned and you have a wicked sense of humour with your "phone me", "donation" and "sujith style..." one liners so since we have established that you are the dog's ******** why don't you start your own thread and chatroom and give Sujith and the rest of us a break?
my wish man!!! i have the rights to visit any thread. im solving matter with suji personally..hopefully it will solve matter..and i will leave you all forever:clap:👍
my wish man!!! i have the rights to visit any thread. im solving matter with suji personally..hopefully it will solve matter..and i will leave you all forever:clap:👍
Goldbug - Thanx for being a dumbass and ruining this thread! 😡
you forgot the stoploss 😛Sell 742.5
Target 740--738--736--734--732--730--728
sujith style ..
buy DAX 5019 stop 4999 for overnight trade
5029 now sry
target 5132 sell at target there will be another wave down from there or just higher
you forgot the stoploss 😛
thanks gold bug.... but u will be seldomly missed!O
Morning overview
I expect a modest SM bounce as FTSE closes this gap
silver is still being supported by quite steep rising uptrend. One time this will break and I will be watching for this when/if FTSE gap is closed especially if we are getting close to COMEX open
are we still holding dax