Can place trailing stop 30 points below if still holding position.
Current price now 4962.
Guaranteed exit now 4942 = 382 points @ £100 = £38,200 profit! :clap:
Now the incredibly novice question begin:
The lines you plotted i am assuming are trends?
Why are there dotted line between 890 and 873? and teh verticaldotted line?
was there a triple bottom earlier to the double bottom?
Dont understand two trend lines the really big green one and the blue one..How did you see that?
What period chart is that Suji?
Thank you for this..This will help me greatly in learning this trade
omg well done!
May i ask what the signal was?
Why are there dotted line between 890 and 873? and teh verticaldotted line?>> those are cursor lines.. nothing to do with chart. ignore it 😛
was there a triple bottom earlier to the double bottom?>> double bottom only was thr...n i expected a quick drop below the double bottom which occured.
Dont understand two trend lines the really big green one and the blue one..How did you see that? the green one from coming down is a long term line ..joinning 737 n 781 will give tht line.
the upper green line is the black line which quad g was refering to.
the middle green line is pretty much visible.
its a hourly chart
Can place trailing stop 30 points below if still holding position.
Current price now 4962.
Guaranteed exit now 4942 = 382 points @ £100 = £38,200 profit! :clap:
Can place trailing stop 30 points below if still holding position.
Current price now 4962.
Guaranteed exit now 4942 = 382 points @ £100 = £38,200 profit! :clap:
One more question Suji,
In terms of EWT can yo explain the chart? Or did you not use it for this trade?
no call... dont sell now atleast.
thx advice
what u looking for ?
i turned bearish after seeing 860 give way, but came back from 857 to 871