Well now it gets interesting 846 taken out - maybe just a faking out.
My charr feed is delayed today - first time that has happened - messing with trades
Had a go there at 856 stop 858
tops of recent highs in daily chart plus a candle resistance from before. But this is crazy
Think just ride this up. technicals are being smashed. Silver yet to show its true colours. And to top it all my charts can't keep up 😡
we might see 880 going tonight u never know.... all the money is going into bonds and gold from stock crisis world wide....
by the way the faster it goes up the faster it comes down.
it is good to short now ? went up too high too fast...
too fast for NORMAL CONDS....
we are facing huge financial trauma at the mom, I would rather look to go long on dips than short at mkt