GlobalServer: manually deleting symbol/data


I run TS2000i on Windows XP. XP runs as a virtual machine under Parallels 9.0.24251 and OSX 10.9.5. I use eSignal as my data feed. This is a setup I have used for perhaps ten years.

Several weeks ago, I began having problems with GlobalServer. Its window gets painted with the list of (futures) symbols, almost entirely CL, but then gets locked up. Eventually, trying to shutdown GS results in a Not Responding message.

However - once in a great, great while, it all (almost) works. I can even download missing data from eSignal using their plug-in. The "almost" caveat is that even then, the live data is not making it into GS and onto a chart.

I suspect a corrupted symbol or corrupted data for a symbol. On the rare occasions when GS is "almost" functioning, I have deleted several ES and NQ symbols. When I try to delete the suspect symbol, the operation is never completed. (I even let it run overnight!)

The next time I manage to get GS to its "almost" state, I will try to use the Run Nightly Maintenance function.

In the mean time, does anyone have any other suggestions? Specifically, is there some way to manually delete a symbol and its data by "massaging" one of the files under the Omega Research folder or subfolders?

Further notes: 1) I have reinstalled TS2000i. 2) I am in the States where 2000i is no longer supported. Thanks in advance.
Can you post any screenshots of the issue and have you been running GS on Parallels for a long time ?
Can you post any screenshots of the issue and have you been running GS on Parallels for a long time ?
I have been running this hardware/software setup since June 2007 with various upgrades of Parallels and OSX along the way. None of those upgrades have occurred in the last year or longer.

I will work on the screenshot portion of the question and include in a later post, but I fear there will not be much information there. 🙁
How much data has been acquired by Parallels as there may be a limit when it is running XP?
How much data has been acquired by Parallels as there may be a limit when it is running XP?
The iMac has a 500GB disk drive. Disk Management of XP says that it has 31.24GB of the drive with 9.64GB (30%) of that free. Parallels simply runs XP as a Virtual Machine along side OSX. It has some of the memory and some of the disk drive and other resources can be assigned to it as needed. For example, I assigned the CD/DVD hardware to Parallels when I reinstalled TS2000i. As noted earlier, I have actually deleted some of the GS symbols/data which should have freed up some space.
Yes I am familar with Parallels but thought it limited how much space could be assigned to XP. It sounds like a strange issue and not one I have come across from those who run TS2Ki on either Windows 7 or 8 but it sounds like an issue that is related to either the Mac or the Parallels sofware itself. I have had XP programs crash when used on a Mac under Parallels so it is a possibility.
Yes I am familiar with Parallels but thought it limited how much space could be assigned to XP. It sounds like a strange issue and not one I have come across from those who run TS2Ki on either Windows 7 or 8 but it sounds like an issue that is related to either the Mac or the Parallels software itself. I have had XP programs crash when used on a Mac under Parallels so it is a possibility.
Along those lines, I suspect I did this to myself somehow - closed the program before it cleaned up and was ready to exit, for example. Or maybe GS got lost somehow - I have seen that happen. I only run two programs under XP and only for legacy reasons. In this case, the plugin from eSignal that allows me to download historical data was not updated for Windows beyond XP.

Normally, I have charts for the three most recent months of CL up at the same time - May, June and July currently. When I would get to the "almost" state recently (see original post), May and July would chart, but June would not. Almost all of the June data seemed to be gone. This led me to the supposition that the June data was corrupted, and that if I could get rid of it, my problem might well disappear. Then I could download the June data from eSignal again.

Is it possible for us to PM in T2W? I may recall other facets of the problem that seem pertinent and perhaps PM'ing is the best way to talk without cluttering the Forum - at least until we reach a resolution that might help others.
Posting on this thread is probably best in my view because if anyone else hs this issue it will index in google, not that there is too much more I can suggest. You could try removing and reinstalling the whole program which may resolve some of the issues you are having.
This morning I reached an "almost" state again and was able to download July CL data for Tuesday through "day-to-date" Wednesday. However, the attempt at Run Nightly Maintenance caused GS to lockup again.

I have backups on Time Machine, the OSX app. I have downloaded the Virtual Machine from one of those backups in the past, but my next step is to go back even further and download a VM that precedes the assumed corrupt data to see if that helps.
It didn't help. I have all the updates to Parallels 9. Next steps would seem to be to reinstall TS2000i (again!), talk with Parallels support, or perhaps try to reinstall XP.
Reinstall XP. Who knows? Now to figure how to retrieve my historical data from the "old" GS - but that's another forum.
Yes you can recover it but I cannot remember quite how at the moment but it is located in a specific directory which you should be able to copy.
There are files in the folder Program Files\Omega Research\MyWork (and perhaps ...\Server\pds) that appear to be data-related, but they are encoded, so you don't really know what is there. Some of the file names in the two instances of TS2000i (one for the old XP and one for the new installation of XP) are the same so that is no help. Just copying the old files to the new folders is likely to step on some new files that reflect new data. And perhaps the files in the MyWork and pds folders are connected in some unknown way, a further complication.

I can always back up the new stuff, copy the old stuff to the new folders, and see what I get. I was just hoping to avoid the sledgehammer approach.

Maybe there is an obvious subtle approach, and I am just being Captain Complicated. 🙂
I would copy them across as I have done this myself and it worked but a long time ago.