Global Trading Community

Educational Material

I really don't know why you are paying for the course. One thing is all people joining the course are potential clients for introducing broker. So not only that they charge you for the course but will also benefit from your accounts. Secondly, there are some great free webinars online, great people on this forum great free documentation.
We all have some but I don't know how to upload it here (not sure even if we are allowed, so if someone wants some old FREE great teaching material pm me please I I will send it to you.
Don't pay for any courses, there is no evidence that people who spent all this money on courses, signals and alike make more money than those who never attended a paying course. I am really angry at those who promise huge amounts of money after you attend a course that will "teach you how to trade". Please, no, don't do it.

Hi Alexa
I'm always keen to learn. If you really have some good educational trading material then please send it to me. Thanks. M
Hi my name is John and I am newbe looking to join GTC.Could you give me some feed back on the relevance and quality of the training you have received so far ? You know there are very few unpaid opportunities out there to become a trader and as such i have decided to take full responsibility for my trading aspirations.However i am trying to thread slowly and your feedback will be much appreciated.
It sounds like a get rich fast scheme. It takes years and years to learn how to trade. I would suggest not to quit your day job and get a brokerage job to learn for free. If you can't afford the risk yourself then maybe it is not worth it. You can make money both ways of the market but without years of practice, you will eventually lose. I have watch thousands of people just like you think the same thing.Private Detectives
FSA....three letters that mean a hell of a lot. part with your cash with a firm that isnt registered with them and youd be a fool. check out TCA and Headway Trading and see if you still want to join an unregistered company. Read Mind Over Markets, put up some money with a decent clearer and trade from home. your outlay will be around 6-7K for a clearing account and charts are dirt cheap these days whatever product you trade(Eurex/CME/CBOT/LIFFE).
Ok, I have worked for an IB in structured products for about 12 years. recently with more time on my hands a bit of spare cash, I have decided to become a day trader specifically trading fixed income futures. Although without actual trading experience I know the markets very well especially the Govies and Stirs.
The first thing I have done is attempt to find the best start to the 'own money' side of things, outside the banks and funds you guys are really trading your own money wether backed by an arcade or not.
I have researched and attended seminars and sessions at lots of different types of training or trading companies. My conclusion is a s follows;

Remote type schemes are not likely to get me far. I need to come into a different environment from home to be able to develop a useful trading personality.
Short course knowledge and Technical Analysis I can get from books, free online or even on this site.

The longer onsite courses as offered by a few companies with a track record of training and backing were the only option. As I also live near the City it came down to a couple of choices only. I am not going to go on like the traderboy jason lee and all their various April 2009 registered IDs trying to tell you all how great something is that has no track record, no office to even offer to trainees, no software that they even pay for. I will just reply to the software dig from pyjama boy.

So to the software! a training company that has built its own software and has a method based on real time price and volume and order flow, using visualisation techniques (price ladder is a visualisation technique as are charts btw) to replicate the 'feel' for supply and demand that pit locals had.

Coming from a quantitative background I will confirm that this appears to be a good way to become a day trader. Learning to trade using charts seems to be what everyone else does, and we know that most go on to fail. Charts are useful, but at the start I suspect reading order flow, price and volume , sentiment are good.
As for fundamentals, are you serious? fundamentals are going to help a beginner trade the bund?

I am going to say that it is deeply disturbing that in this day and age scammers can change ID and carry on selling garbage.

Finally, the choice of training course should be made after talking to people who have done the course, if no one has done the course and 1 or 2 people using multiple IDs constantly praise the course online and talk about walking around in pyjamas whilst making a fortune trading remotely on demo accounts?

I will be onsite on my training course next month, any newbie is welcome to contact me and see how its going.
Forgive me for not regaling you with a daily blog of the fortunes I am making on my demo account. I need to concentrate as learning to trade my own money will not give me time to banter on here with half wits.

Hi there, I suppose you have gone through GTC's training course by now...would you please give me any insight on it? even if you have not made it as one of their traders? I am looking for an in-house training course to start as soon as possible. I have some experience with outright directional trading, but, as I believe you may know, it's hard and expensive to build one's own trading desk, not in terms of pc's and trading Softwares, but decent news feed and all the other bits and bobs I feel I lack at the moment. So before I commit my hard earned money into a home-office with all the things I think I need, I feel that I must educate myself further, and I see GTC's program as the best I could find.

First because they teach fixed income trading, an area of much interest to me. and second because they offer in-house training which I believe is essential to my needs as I believe I have learnt everything I could learn on my own.

I don't expect them to teach me everything about trading, all I need is a professional structured environment where I can learn a methodology with good track record of success, and apply the knowledge that I've acquired so far in my journey to become a professional day-trader.

So I would honestly very much appreciate any response from your side on this subject.

Thanks in advance,

Ramon De Melo
Crazy money that some people charge for learning. Wonder if there are any value for money courses that deliver for the person taking/buying them
Hi There!

This was a long time now and whilst it assisted in my on going development I have continued with my original methodology which is Technically based and matching fundamental news flow and monetary policy.
Now providing training. "Trade without emotion" for more information

Good luck if you decide to go with GTC
yes good luck to everyone indeed........and now a boring message from me

Global Trading community.....London Academy of Trading........... courses by the superstars ..........Greg.....Darren .......Rob......Vince ......Jason **.....the list is endless..... and more always to come .....

ya gotta lovem .......most people here at T2W with a considerable combat years under their belt know the score with trading ......its hard and unforgiving but can be profitable if you persevere, find your edge and continue to apply solid consistent principles and practices ....but its hard and returns can be unpredictable at times as the Market can be a fickle friend....

these guys know that ....they're not stupid believe me ........and actually I have no doubt they have or could be very very good traders ......but they have also decided to create income streams from building networks and systems that persuade people they need to pay them for Trading Training...and of course they are very very good at selling and marketing this training ......

and that business will be consistently more lucrative and profitable than trading if leveraged correctly

I used to be very resentful of these guys fact if you look back at my Correlation thread a few years back I ran a long campaign against **Jason Fielder who seemed to "discover" his Correlation Code system about a year after I published and shared here (for free) a lot of ideas about this style of strengthmeter training .....

and after talking to others it seemed to be spookily in line with my freely shared ideas on the thread (although his was more naive and "dumbed down" in many ways which weakened the messages I try to portray but made it easier to sell......) and he was adding a $2k kicker being charged for some simple Free fact it fell short of the mark in many many ways in my opinion ....but he naturally sold shedloads to mainly unhappy customers if you trawled around the forums on the unofficial feedback (I know he had alledgedly 4,000 people on one webinar.....4,000 !)

But what the hell............thats walk your own path

So whats my point ?

Guys - we Just continue to alert people to the fact that the initial path in Trading is available free on-line and from the great Trading books out there that again are all available if newbies search for forums on "best tradign books"

so again on behalf of some of the old school here.......


Spend 6 months to a year reading , researching Forums and learning and playing with Demo Accounts - all FREE !!

by then (hopefully) the magic has faded and one can make logical and sensible choices regarding any mentoring or advanced training one requires .........the Holy grail is inside you and will be unique to you....this is not a copycat based business opportunity ...its based on leveraging your own traits and talents and applying them to the business of Trading

all the best.....and please buy my megatron whoopsy trading system if I ever decide to go to the Dark side

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Great post NVP.....

I will definitely buy megatron. I am a transformers fan. i will definitely wait for the dinobot fancy ultra trader EA
Looking through this excellent and most informative site (trade2win) about volume visualisation software and have found that there seems to be a massive school of traders who use real time volume analysis and gauge sentiment resistance support by watching the behaviour of volume.

This is the start of one such thread

'I'm interested in price and price movement as a manifestation of the dynamics of buying and selling pressures and how the results of all this determine support and resistance and trend. This isn't about indicators or Level II or Gann or Elliott or Wolfe or Fibonacci or moving averages or "channels", which is not to say that any or all of those things may not be perfectly wonderful and may be signposts on the road to riches. But they are of no interest to me. And there may be like-minded individuals to whom they are of no interest either. If so, this thread may provide shelter and sustenance.'

This all makes sense to me, as I have seen the smartest systems and indicators try to predict the future and blow up.

Other threads;

These are all grouped under Technical Analysis/ Price and Volume btw

However I could not find any information about any software that they use, in fact one guy posted asking if anyone knew any and got no reply;

Does any one know of any other volume visualisation software out there? surely the system mentioned above cannot be the only one? I dont mean VWAP

There are also traders who do not agree that real time volume is important though but they seem to be aware of it.

BCGS and Stoploss you are using this on the course, how does it help?

So the software uses visualisation techniques to illustrate buy and sell pressures by displaying in real time actual trade volumes (and does not give buy and sell signals, like the halfwit who was overwhelmed with info put it earlier)

Is it possible that there are a bunch of traders out there who do not even know about the existence of certain concepts and methods outside their own charts and indicators?
Could this fact be an advantage for those who come late and are willing to adapt to new concepts and market conditions?

Talking about learning, It was mentioned in an earlier post that no one should pay for training as there is a lot of free info available. The point is that there is way too much stuff around. Just as we do not educate students by leaving them in a library and expecting them to graduate 3 years later, we need guidance especially at the start, the guidance should be from someone who has gone through the journey and has previously guided several generations of students.
So if you could afford to send your first born to private school, would you say 'no its a scam, because there are free state schools' Just like the Labour politician who had a real incentive to take that route, she sent her kid to a private school even though her party whip was insisting state schools were as good.
Therefore its safe to assume that a rational person who could afford it would opt for the more expensive route if it offered an advantage to the cheaper one, add the factor of competition amongst ones peers. You want your kid to succeed in a competitive world, so if you can afford it you pay for any advantage. Trading seems to be also competitive.
Or maybe the poster meant that there are lots of free quality trading courses available rite now offered by charitable banks and prop houses.
Maybe the poster means, read my information, then learn the practical part on the job.
Maybe would be pilots who cannot get onto BAs training course should read a few books, then start flying for real as training is a scam.

If I was straight out of school again, I could probably get on to a training scheme offered by a bank or prop house with salary and training etc. (I now know what I really want, didnt then)

However I am as committed to becoming a good trader as anyone out there and I would rather have training guaranteed to me for a price, rather than teach myself by experience. The real training will come from me been in the markets daily over the next couple of years (it takes that long to know what you are really doing even on a bank prop desk) any short course is just to get started.


This visualization software your refering to sounds a bit similiar to Market Profile. This software provides info on volume and price - which allows one to determine if the price is overvalued / undervalubed or at fair price, depending on which time frame is controlling the market.
Market Price is never overvalued or undervalued is always 100% correct :smart:

it is us as traders that place such subjective measures and calculations on it......
and it wont make one millicent of difference to the future price......

which will also be 100% correct when it arrives 😉

I took the GTC 3 month AND the SMB 3 month. SMB is bull****, videos from 2008. At GTC at least you get to sit on a trading floor and talk to traders who make money from trading and not from BS'ing about moving lines.

The guy who owns it is a really good guy too, knows his stuff, and even though its been 2 years I can still call him any time I want, or skype, or Email and talk about trading issues.

SMB I finished the course and didn't hear from them. They don't track your results or anything.
I took the GTC 3 month AND the SMB 3 month. SMB is bull****, videos from 2008. At GTC at least you get to sit on a trading floor and talk to traders who make money from trading and not from BS'ing about moving lines.

The guy who owns it is a really good guy too, knows his stuff, and even though its been 2 years I can still call him any time I want, or skype, or Email and talk about trading issues.

SMB I finished the course and didn't hear from them. They don't track your results or anything.

Hi, Thanks for the feedback this is quite helpful.