Global Trading Community / GTC

Update on Global Trading Community

I started this page to get ideas about GTC program. it sorta has moved from that to some new subjects!!
anyways, GTc is a good program if you willing to pay for it. There are other good arcades such as STA and Futex but you need to be good enough to get into them.
regarding the guy from singapore, living in sydney now, why dont you get into one of the arcades in sydney?
I know Tibra is based there and they are considered the google of trading arcades.
All the best

Some members, bcgs for example, were relating their experiences of the training programme at Global Training Community, back in April. Two months on, and have your expectations been met. Anybody been referred to FCT Europe and now trading forthem?
hey. I am mike and have been with gtc fr over one month.graduated from lse and member of soc of tech analysts.....but those couldnt give me the edge to make money in the here and now.
with gtc i learn to trade what i see not what i think,always hedged and with max stop loss of few ticks.we trade bond futures and interest rates as they are the most liquid and safe two way markets
reflecting real ecomonic situations and health of major economies.we always pay attention to underliying cash market.
gtc plans to expand in new markets that get on exchange.we learn that there is no holy grail..but rather hedging strategies and observing volume and price behaviour to gain an edge at some point during the day.successful tradign is boring not exciting waiting for a breakout of a trend chanell.those who think ta is the way for day trading .....they dont say that 8 out of 10 ta signals fail during the day.that is coz ta can work better only in long run.its a trap in the intraday.u guys are warned.
come along at minories 33 if u got doubts and talk them over with us.cheers
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I finished this course. Previously worked for an IB not as a trader but very close to the market. I now trade Eurex bund hedging with other products or respecting a strict tight stop.
For sure the course was valuable preparation, lots of exercises that give you experience and confidence to handle real life market occurences.
Been on a simulator is nothing like trading real money, I find that I have taken steps back a bit from the consistency I showed on the sim. n the sim you can do everything right as there is no ral consequence. Real money can bring back bad emotions that you had previously suppressed. However for certain things, such as behaviour at certain times of the day, behaviour at levels, openings Us opening, figures etc its a must.
also having covered different styles of trading,
In the end the real work starts when trading real money, the course shows you the envelope and prepares you. What I liked is that its not just sitting on a sim but practicing certain things that really help. If you are not disciplined or committed, no amount of simultion or training is going to help you.

Anyway I now pay £500 per month for desk space, although i seem to spend half the time trading from home, the software is free, the roundturns are 50 cents per lot going down after the first 2500 (not per month but in total)

Just on trading outrights 1 lots in my first month I was ahead after commissions and would have actually covered my rent and some if it wasnt for 2 days where I forgot all training and got very involved in the 'ego game' and smashed through agreed daily limits.

Hope this helps anyone out there
hi crxrc,

1stly, congrats on finishing the course and trading full time now.

im going to sign up the gtc 3 month course soon. can i ask how many people on the course are profitable after the course and how many continue to trade full time. also, what all the details regarding the company backing you?

many thanks in advance.

I finished this course. Previously worked for an IB not as a trader but very close to the market. I now trade Eurex bund hedging with other products or respecting a strict tight stop.
For sure the course was valuable preparation, lots of exercises that give you experience and confidence to handle real life market occurences.
Been on a simulator is nothing like trading real money, I find that I have taken steps back a bit from the consistency I showed on the sim. n the sim you can do everything right as there is no ral consequence. Real money can bring back bad emotions that you had previously suppressed. However for certain things, such as behaviour at certain times of the day, behaviour at levels, openings Us opening, figures etc its a must.
also having covered different styles of trading,
In the end the real work starts when trading real money, the course shows you the envelope and prepares you. What I liked is that its not just sitting on a sim but practicing certain things that really help. If you are not disciplined or committed, no amount of simultion or training is going to help you.

Anyway I now pay £500 per month for desk space, although i seem to spend half the time trading from home, the software is free, the roundturns are 50 cents per lot going down after the first 2500 (not per month but in total)

Just on trading outrights 1 lots in my first month I was ahead after commissions and would have actually covered my rent and some if it wasnt for 2 days where I forgot all training and got very involved in the 'ego game' and smashed through agreed daily limits.

Hope this helps anyone out there

Ive been offered a place at the GTC 3 months course and I have also been asked to pay like 5K for the training . Just need to know what you guys think, specially those who have already done the training ?

I was at their offices last week but due to my tight timetable didnt have any time to speak to their trainee traders.

Ive searched a lot on these forums but unfortunately I havent found much about these guys.

Hope to hear from some of you soon.


A fool and his money soon part.
guys dont try to measure your chance of making it by averaging out the others.
do you think you are the average. no offense
i am still on simulator and its hard for me to lose money. most time i make 200-300.
its all about screen time and feeling the market. i don't care about others nor do i ask. they give you all you need to start. its all up to you you then.
i don't know if they are going to back me or not and i don't care. If you show positive p and l....everyone in the city will back.
otherwise if you need guarantees apply for a broker's job. d say its the best program ,go for it and good luck..but watch out for swine flu in city...
I was one of the suckers who joined TCA Markets. I paid £3000 and after 4 months I was put on live trading for only 3 days!!!!
What they say is completely different from what they do once they have your money.
They will not put you LIVE unless you have 8 profit trading days out of 10 trading days!!! If you make 3 consecutive loss days, then you are out!! They move the goal post everytime I achieve the target!
Their mentoring is crap!!! they themselves dont know what they are doing. I was on the SIM for more than 3 months, but the mentors didnt help me at all. All useless guys.
Their advise was just have a feel of the market!!!
Dont join them or you will lose the money like me!! They are cheaters.... They have become bankrupt and changed name, but the director is the same! Google them and you will see.
dude i have no clue about tca but i take your word for them.....
however they are right that you have to feel the market.
watch, price and volume action,that is if u got the right software.
i know it sounds too simple....but trading is that simple.

I was one of the suckers who joined TCA Markets. I paid £3000 and after 4 months I was put on live trading for only 3 days!!!!
What they say is completely different from what they do once they have your money.
They will not put you LIVE unless you have 8 profit trading days out of 10 trading days!!! If you make 3 consecutive loss days, then you are out!! They move the goal post everytime I achieve the target!
Their mentoring is crap!!! they themselves dont know what they are doing. I was on the SIM for more than 3 months, but the mentors didnt help me at all. All useless guys.
Their advise was just have a feel of the market!!!
Dont join them or you will lose the money like me!! They are cheaters.... They have become bankrupt and changed name, but the director is the same! Google them and you will see.

sorry to hear that, seems even though they are bankrupt they are still having seminars and taking on trainees. it's people like them that give the industry a bad name.

I was one of the suckers who joined TCA Markets. I paid £3000 and after 4 months I was put on live trading for only 3 days!!!!
What they say is completely different from what they do once they have your money.
They will not put you LIVE unless you have 8 profit trading days out of 10 trading days!!! If you make 3 consecutive loss days, then you are out!! They move the goal post everytime I achieve the target!
Their mentoring is crap!!! they themselves dont know what they are doing. I was on the SIM for more than 3 months, but the mentors didnt help me at all. All useless guys.
Their advise was just have a feel of the market!!!
Dont join them or you will lose the money like me!! They are cheaters.... They have become bankrupt and changed name, but the director is the same! Google them and you will see.