Global Climate Change

In light of 1 in 1000 yr flooding in Cumbria, has your view on Global Climate Changed

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Well I'm surprised nobodies views have changed since the 1 in 1000 year event but mine. I was of the opinion that man is contributing to climate change and was aware that the Earth's weather changes every 000s of years or so but a 1 in 1000 is significant if our scientists say so.
1 in 1000? I don't think that number is terribly meaningful really. I don't see how anyone can really know this sort of thing.

Also it's the rate of change that is very significant. I understood that our Earth wasn't due for climate change for at least another 10,000 years so the fact that it is happening now is very magnificant. I get to see mummy recession and daddy climate change in my life time. I just hope I don't get to witness their offspring in Damien's WWIII.

10,000 years? - Well, it may be about 10,000 since the last major ice age, but in terms of cycles, and ignoring GW for the moment, I think we could be due for another much sooner than another 10,000 years.

Also, there are cycles within cycles.
We had a medieval warming period less than what...2000 years ago?, and since then a "little ice age", since when (ended about 1850) we've been warming, through "natural variation" (not even all that controversial, even among the warming alarmists, as far as I know, although the "hockey stick chart" did try to re-write the history somewhat).

Either way as you point out bridges and buildings are built to with-stand freak weather that may occur once every 50 to 150 years or so. Not sure if stats available for 1000 years ago. Our engineers must be well and trully flummexed... I doubt anyones saying told you so? That was never in the plans... :rolleyes: I'm one of those people other than some basic cosmetics nothing we can do can prevent damage caused by natural disasters. We'll just have to deal with it when it happens.

1. Best thing we can do is stop using our cars.
2. Adopt our lifestyles around cycling or renewable energy what ever
I have little problem with this ... I am "anti-car" for lots of reasons (although like everyone else, I own one and even drive it on occasions, when there is no option).

I much prefer: bicycle, train, bus, in that order. Walking when appropriate.

It is ridiculous that humans travel 00s of miles to work and back everyday just because they can.

We need to roll back the industrial revolution and take the work back out to the countrysides where people can live in space again rather than concrete jungles., that's when we might have to part company. I mean it's a romantic notion which I might agree with after a bottle or three of good stuff, but let's be realistic.
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If CC was as serious as they say, they'd be doing more about it.

Think about how many people are killed by terrorism every year, not many, but look at the reaction to it. if CC is going to kill million or BILLIONS of people then logically we should be living in a police state, instant death sentence for leaving the tv on standby, etc.

So I think either its a scam/natural occurance. or it's real and they are just letting us have a blow out party while we still can, and getting a cut in taxes while they still can, before we all go extinct.
If CC was as serious as they say, they'd be doing more about it.

Think about how many people are killed by terrorism every year, not many, but look at the reaction to it. if CC is going to kill million or BILLIONS of people then logically we should be living in a police state, instant death sentence for leaving the tv on standby, etc.

So I think either its a scam/natural occurance. or it's real and they are just letting us have a blow out party while we still can, and getting a cut in taxes while they still can, before we all go extinct.

You do seem to have a rather rosy view of how governments behave.
1 in 1000? Whose statistics are you believing here? How can anybody truly know this stuff?

10,000 years?

Give me a ****ing break. We had a medieval warming period less than what...2000 years ago?, and since then a "little ice age", since when (ended about 1850) we've been warming, through "natural variation" (not even controversial, even among the warming alarmists, as far as I know)

"flummoxed" - learn the bloody dialect if you're going to use it! :LOL:

I have little problem with this ... I am "anti-car" for lots of reasons (although like everyone else, I own one and even drive it on occasions, when there is no option).

I much prefer: bicycle, train, bus, in that order. Walking when appropriate.

abso-bloody-lutely., that's when we might have to part company. I mean it's a romantic notion which I might agree with after a bottle or three of good stuff, but let's be realistic.

A big day for me, today. I have decided to let my car go to the breakers ysrd and am not going to replace it. All I have to do is go to the police station, hand in the logbook and leave the car on the "public highway", telling them where it is so that the municipal towtruck can take it away. I've been putting it off because I have had no repairs to do but, now, I have the inspection due and they are going to find something, plus this is my last day of insurance.

So this is my anti-pollution contribution! Wish me luck with my new shoes!
Atilla: I got a bit carried away in my language earlier. Although I have edited my post, I see it's been preserved in a quote! oh dear. Sorry, anyway. I see where you're coming from and in some ways I agree. As I've said before, a lot of the things that they say we should be doing, I think we should be doing anyway. But as for things like carbon-trading, and carbon taxes, and some of the more extreme forms of regulation....well...hmmm.

And if the more alarmist science does not stand up after all, it could be mostly pointless and counter-productive.
Atilla: I got a bit carried away in my language earlier. Although I have edited my post, I see it's been preserved in a quote! oh dear. Sorry, anyway. I see where you're coming from and in some ways I agree. As I've said before, a lot of the things that they say we should be doing, I think we should be doing anyway. But as for things like carbon-trading, and carbon taxes, and some of the more extreme forms of regulation....well...hmmm.

And if the more alarmist science does not stand up after all, it could be mostly pointless and counter-productive.

Dear Montmorency,

Until I read this note I did not notice anything that you said that made me even remotely raise an eye brow. However, I did smile whilst reading your post as it was well written. Fair points I'd say. You'd be surprised what some of my friends say when I state I'm anti-car and we should ban their cherished cars...

Split, :clap: you are the new revolutionary. Top man... (y) I recently had to renew the car as previous one broke down on the M3 because I didn't have it serviced in time. :( Anyhow, I found it no problem but had to yeald and obey the Mrs... My cycling range is about 10m but if I'm not rushing to work or back then anything up to 30-40m roundtrip is a nice day out assuming weather is ok.

If one thinks about it most car trips are very short.

If one thinks further and assumes no cars on the roads but only public transport - perhaps with greater frequency at improved comfort level than even better.

We have the ability to achieve this now imo.
Atilla: I got a bit carried away in my language earlier. Although I have edited my post, I see it's been preserved in a quote! oh dear. Sorry, anyway. I see where you're coming from and in some ways I agree. As I've said before, a lot of the things that they say we should be doing, I think we should be doing anyway. But as for things like carbon-trading, and carbon taxes, and some of the more extreme forms of regulation....well...hmmm.

And if the more alarmist science does not stand up after all, it could be mostly pointless and counter-productive.

Yes, you got a bit incensed, there. I had to look at the poster's name again. I thought, "Montmorency is learning fast. I didn't think that he used words like that!" :D