Although I've not seen any research to support this hypothesis, I believe the following factors may be an indication as to why the female bio-socio-disposition favours their success in the financial markets.
1. It doesn't have a lot else to think about.
2. Apart from cooking, cleaning and looking after the kids - it has a lot of spare time for a hobby.
3. While totally devoid of any sense of spatial ability they do posses markedly better colour differentiation than the male - Hence the ability to pack even more multi-coloured indicators on to their charts. And as we all know, the more lines you can cram onto your charts - the more successful you become.
The lack of spatial acuity actually works to their benefit as they don't differentiate between up/down, left/right and enter/exit pretty much on a whim - thus confounding random distribution and channelling luck in their direction.
4. They are all Wiccans and use White Magick (I know you Wiccans love the 'k' in that) to foresee the future. As proved by the PM I had this morning warning me against making this post.
I'd just like to add that this isn't really TheBramble, but she left her laptop unprotected for a moment while she went to make the kids' breakfasts...