George Soros Trading method...

Everyone successful uses TA or price action analysis of some sort, even if they don't look at charts..

You can't be sure of that. Who knows what they use? Most of the big fortunes are based on a lucky break. The "if" factor is very important in everything that we do in life. The skill comes in knowing how to take advantage of what has droppwd into your lap. Most of us do not know how to do that.
The connection between the participants' thinking and the situation
in which they participate can be broken up into two functional
relationships. I call the participants' efforts to understand
the situation the cognitive or passive function and the impact of
their thinking on the real world the participating or active function In the cognitive function, the participants' perceptions depend
on the situation; in the participating function, the situation
is influenced by the participants' perceptions. It can be seen that
the two functions work in opposite directions: in the cognitive
function the independent variable is the situation; in the participating
function it is the participants' thinking.

y = f (x) cognitive function
x = ϕ👍 participating function
y = f [ϕ 👍]
x = ϕ [f (x) ]

When both functions operate at the same time, they interfere
with each other. Functions need an independent variable in order
to produce a determinate result, but in this case the independent
variable of one function is the dependent variable of the other.

Are these the Soros viewpoints?, if so it is no great revelation as it seems to basically say that what you do affects the market and that in turn can effect how you behave. This is the well known concept of feedback.
i thought soros made his money just going long the stupidity of governments?

like now everyone is making a mint going long the taxpayer bailout.

bet on politicians doing the wrong thing. make billions.
i thought soros made his money just going long the stupidity of governments?

like now everyone is making a mint going long the taxpayer bailout.

bet on politicians doing the wrong thing. make billions.

That's a good one.

May be i can try it next time.


I am sure Soros and his portfolio managers look at charts and stuff. You would be stupid not to. People back then probably did not use full fledged TA/Technical indicator stuff.
But he makes trading decisions based on macro analysis. Well he used to, now he is supposedly retired.
Awesome. I might have to get this. Do you think it is still a good read if you don't grasp all the concepts? Some of it may be beyond me but I'd like to try.

This book is a great read, very interesting and I think most people will grasp his concepts. I would highly recommend it, however you are not going to get any trading ideas or set ups out of it.
Read about Stanley Drunkenmiller to find out how Soros operated. He was Soros's main guy at Quantum. Anyway you won't ever be able to pick trades like Soros because you are not him. Better to find your own method.