Private Eye made a similar point, a few weeks ago. 🙂
As well as Osbourne being an untried force, I thought that Cable was beginning to sound much less sure-footed in government than in opposition. The other night on Newsnight, he did not sound very convincing, and he was not exactly being given a hard time.
Cable was pathetic last night on Newsnight...they enjoyed basking in the limelight for the first 2 weeks, for some reason they (Lib Dems) have been nutured and silenced re. any progressive policy...On the day cuts are announced (amounting to 0.05% of the previous govt.s annual spend) Clegg puts up no resistance to a contract being lost in Sheffield, just trots out the same blame rhetoric..Even the defence cuts are madness given it's actually a fleet of incredibly useful, adaptable and nec. search and rescue helicopters...this is all getting very bizarre.. look at the cuts re. job centres/recruitment at a time when job creation is non existent..
Projects cut
Department for Culture Media and Sport
Stonehenge visitor centre, £25m
Local authority business growth initiative (LABGI), £50m (previously announced)
Regional Development Agencies: Outokumpu site redevelopment, Sheffield, £13m
Department for Communities and Local Government
Local authority leader boards, £16m
Department for Business Innovation and Skills
Sheffield Forgemasters International Limited, £80m
Department for Work and Pensions
Roll-out of the Future Jobs Fund, £290m (previously announced as part of £6bn cuts)
Six-month offer recruitment subsidies, £30m (previously announced)
Extension of Young Person's Guarantee to 2011-201, £450m
Two-year Jobseeker's Guarantee, £515m
Department of Health
Active Challenge Routes, Walk England, £2m
County Sports Partnerships, £6m
North Tees and Hartlepool hospital, £450m
Total: £1.9bn (£370m previously announced)
Projects suspended
Department for Culture Media and Sport
Libraries modernisation programme, £12m
Department for Communities and Local Government
Sheffield retail quarter, £12m
Kent Thameside strategic transport programme, £23m
Department for Business Innovation and Skills
University enterprise capital fund, £25m
Newton scholarships, £25m
Department of Health
Health research support initiative, £73m
Leeds Holt Park Wellbeing Centre, £50m
Ministry of Justice
Birmingham magistrates court, £94m (2010-2011 element previously announced)
Ministry of Defence
Equipment for design phase of Trident replacement programme, £66m
Search and rescue helicopters, £4.7bn
Department for Transport
Search and rescue helicopters joint procurement with MoD, £2.3bn
A14, £1.1bn
Total £8.5bn