Best Thread GBP/USD Breakout

Don't understand. 655 would have been my sell signal 695 was buy. You lot really are trying to complicate this!! I use IG by the way.
Ladies and Gentleman,
As Claudia says "keep it simple"
No 2 trades are alike, trying to get into the nitty gritty of of a particular trade, is not trading, by the sounds of it there seem to be a few programmers on this thread, trying to develop some sort of robot.
a definate road to failure.

As BBMAC says " trade what you see not what you expect the market to do"
Ladies and Gentleman,
As Claudia says "keep it simple"
No 2 trades are alike, trying to get into the nitty gritty of of a particular trade, is not trading, by the sounds of it there seem to be a few programmers on this thread, trying to develop some sort of robot.
a definate road to failure.

As BBMAC says " trade what you see not what you expect the market to do"

I think that is a bit strong. I am only trying to understand Claudia's method and happened to make a robot joke. No wonder it takes me 3 months of lurking before having a sensible conversation only to be put down by a forum guide.

Gamma/Claudia, I don't think anyone of us is trying to complicate it. I personally would like to keep things very simple. I think the confusion is when would you go short today?

I had 1.6650 and
claudia had it as 1.6655 and
charles had it as 1.6666

5 pips late into a trade can cause one to fail as it was obvious today.

I personally think claudia's breakout strategy is simple and the best one out there. It's a real money maker. But if one gets their entry wrong by even 5 pips then it won't work.
I think that is a bit strong. I am only trying to understand Claudia's method and happened to make a robot joke. No wonder it takes me 3 months of lurking before having a sensible conversation only to be put down by a forum guide.


Charles, don't take it too hard mate. I think you are trying to put your point across and others try to put their points across. Misunderstanding happens. We all are here to make money. Lets go for it.
Charles, don't take it too hard mate. I think you are trying to put your point across and others try to put their points across. Misunderstanding happens. We all are here to make money. Lets go for it.

Thanks but it does not bother me, however over the years I have seen a lot of good cable traders leave T2W (Wasp, Hornblower, DC2000 ....) and I think a negative attitude does not help.

Anyway, I think we take the high & low from 6 opens & 6 closes which is what we were trying to ascertain!

Please don't take the above post as a put down or as insult, its not meant as such.
From past experience, I know that what might start off as innocent questions invites other posters scammers etc who like to argue, rather than trade.It ends up pissing everyone off and then the thread dies.
All I am saying is don't get to much into the semantics
trying to dupicate someone else's setup exactly does not work,My setup is quite similiar to Claudia's but it has its pecularities based on my trading style.
Thanks but it does not bother me, however over the years I have seen a lot of good cable traders leave T2W (Wasp, Hornblower, DC2000 ....) and I think a negative attitude does not help.

Anyway, I think we take the high & low from 6 opens & 6 closes which is what we were trying to ascertain!


No no no no ............... the 1 am bar to the 6 am bar. Open/close.
Gamma/Claudia, I don't think anyone of us is trying to complicate it. I personally would like to keep things very simple. I think the confusion is when would you go short today?

I had 1.6650 and
claudia had it as 1.6655 and
charles had it as 1.6666

5 pips late into a trade can cause one to fail as it was obvious today.

I personally think claudia's breakout strategy is simple and the best one out there. It's a real money maker. But if one gets their entry wrong by even 5 pips then it won't work.

To get the thread back onto a technical field.
Why are you looking to short at 1.6650 or 16655?
As presently I see no reason for it to go to that price and then short it.
please elaborate
To get the thread back onto a technical field.
Why are you looking to short at 1.6650 or 16655?
As presently I see no reason for it to go to that price and then short it.
please elaborate

6655 would have been a breakout from the overnight. I set two orders at 7 am which ever is filled I cancel the other. Today was long.
6655 would have been a breakout from the overnight. I set two orders at 7 am which ever is filled I cancel the other. Today was long.

😆I was just trying to cancel my post when your reply came up.
As looking at the chart explained why?

I need to be excused this morning woke up late and no had my tea yet.😕
A picture paints a thousand words, think this is what Claudia does.


  • claudia1.jpg
    102.7 KB · Views: 617
Bit behind the curve, I got long at 67 so not quite 20 points for me...yet.