Gascoigne Sectioned Again

Yacarob1 I reckon you're getting a bit OTT about this...

I'm sorry for Gazza I really am. I'm a Spurs fan so I'm bound to be biased, but I'll always remember the things he did in the Lilywhite shirt in the '90-'91 season. The guy seriously could have had it all. Funny, all the comparisons to George Best at the time were truer than anyone knew.... maybe Besty will even out-live him at the rate he carries on at!!

The question is this: what price genius?
Yacarob1 I reckon you're getting a bit OTT about this...

I'm sorry for Gazza I really am. I'm a Spurs fan so I'm bound to be biased, but I'll always remember the things he did in the Lilywhite shirt in the '90-'91 season. The guy seriously could have had it all. Funny, all the comparisons to George Best at the time were truer than anyone knew.... maybe Besty will even out-live him at the rate he carries on at!!

The question is this: what price genius?

Oh yeah, what about that horrific tackle on Gary Charles ( I think ) in the Cup Final against Forest.

Gascoigne played like the hyped up moron he is that day and fully deserved to get stretchered off....should have been red carded too. Total lunatic that guy.

I don't think anyone can be O.T.T about Paul Gascoigne.

Gascoigne was nowhere near George Best ( I suppose he was mentally ill too ) and the word genius is too freely bandied about.

Gascoigne was a genius at only one thing....getting p1ssed with Jimmy.

P.S. George Best is long dead in case you weren't aware.
Oh yeah, what about that horrific tackle on Gary Charles ( I think ) in the Cup Final against Forest.

Gascoigne played like the hyped up moron he is that day and fully deserved to get stretchered off....should have been red carded too. Total lunatic that guy.

I don't think anyone can be O.T.T about Paul Gascoigne.

Gascoigne was nowhere near George Best ( I suppose he was mentally ill too ) and the word genius is too freely bandied about.

Gascoigne was a genius at only one thing....getting p1ssed with Jimmy.

P.S. George Best is long dead in case you weren't aware.

Horrific tackle on Gary Charles? Listening to you harp on I thought you'd say Charles deserved it since he's been charged for beating the sh*t out of some woman when he was p*ssed!
I am well aware that Best is dead btw.
Latest BBC news is that Gascoigne was only detained overnight and has now been let loose.

Keep off the streets and out of the pubs tonight and if you happen to see a guy rolling down the street with a stuffed parrot on his shoulder, keep away.

Some genius !!
Listening to you harp on I thought you'd say Charles deserved it since he's been charged for beating the sh*t out of some woman when he was p*ssed!

At least they had something in common. Gascoigne beat the crap out of his tart too.
lol....How can a trading forum attract nut jobs like the thread starter!?? Funny old world.
Hi Keano

Haven't noticed you posting for a long time.

Just trying to stir up the natives with this thread.

I actually think that Paul Gascoigne was probably the greatest English football player of his generation.

However things went awry, he slid off the rails, lost a couple of wheels and brain cogs en route and sadly never realised his true potential.
Well, ANYONE can suffer from mental health problems.

Having said that, I still think the majority of self-harming cases is a consequence of access to free health care.

Having said that, I still think the majority of self-harming cases is a consequence of access to free health care.

Tend to agree.

Look at all the kids these days who show up at the local A & E departments suffering from alcoholic poisoning.

In my day we just slept it off.

Today's misguided politically correct society molly coddles people to the extent that almost any form of behaviour can be diagnosed as some syndrome or other, or just simply mental illness.

That is why , as you say, ANYONE can suffer from mental health problems

I think they just invent syndromes to fit the situation and / or excuse unreasonable behaviour.
Gazza needs to find something to focus on and quickly imo, he is already well on the road to oblivion like many others before him. He needs a purpose in life as we all do.
Interesting hearing Fergies interview with Frost, & how MUFC tried to sign Gazza in 87, but he chose Spurs as theypromised to buy his parents a house. Fergusons biggest regret - not signing Gazza, when he thought the deal was done & dusted!
Fergie says that the move may have taught Gazza some discipline, as he'd also have had Gerodies Robson, Pallister & Bruce around him for support, and that for a 19y.o. going to London is a tough move.

Makes a lot of sense really. That would have probably been a good environment for Gazza. Realistically, he could have stayed there until about 2001 - had it all worked out for him - who knows.

He was one of my heros as a youngster, at Italia 90 especially. Lets hope he gets the help & motivation he needs.

Fergies usually right. I get the impression he'd be a great Manager to play for, as long as you buy into what he wants & what he's telling you to do, and do it! Question him/cross him often & you'll be shown the door!
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