
@ J trader - You have to be careful with diamonds as small increases in availability quickly lead to supply saturation and lower values. Apparently they're nowhere near as rare as debeers would have us believe. I remember reading that there are many semi precious stones that are far rarer than diamonds.

True, but if Libya did start producing 3 million barrels a day they would put pressure on the oil market (unless they made sure 1.5mn barrels a day went offline elsewhere, so if Saudi finally admits it can't keep up production at 12 mil a day). How much oversupply did it take to drive oil down to $10 a barrel in 1998? And how much undersupply (if any, some people seem to blame speculators entirely) did it take to drive it to $147 in 2008? Oil prices seem pretty fragile to me.

As I said I think that Zimbabwe would run out of buyers for high end diamonds, or they would just have to start accepting lower prices for them as you say. That being said, at the moment they have the backing of China, so China can stabilise the country using brute force where Mugabe is lacking.
So where is Saif then, what's the chance he will be captured wounded and then end up mysteriously dead? Is he heading south of the border, has he been captured already and they just forgot about him? Anything seems possible with this crazy gang.
I'm guessing you're not still living in your own country that has been ravaged by war. My guess is you are living in one of the countries that you accuse of such crimes, all the time complaining about how the rich don't give enough to the poor etc etc.

ps how many of the 600,000 Iraqi's were killed by other Iraqi's or indeed other muslims and arabs?

You dim wit, what difference to the wars reasons or justifications which country I or you or anybody else lives in. You running out of ideas so its a case of us against them. What does it matter if other people, less or more have died in any other war. Does Hitler justify smaller wars because we are as not bad ass as he was?

Your rational and logic are profoundly naive to justify your us v them approach to **** you don't understand.

You feel the need to belong to something to establish the useless body that you are. You think you are part of something bigger? You have an identity crises as well as an inferiority complex.

You need to bash your ego and find your identity in humanity.

I have a voice and I use it as best I can to navigate the UK out of this stupid mess we find our selves in. Yes I have been and still am against the wars.

I suppose you are doing your bit for our troops fighting daft wars and dying for some national interest which no one can quite define.

You are obviously a so called patriot. Why don't you enlist and go and risk your own limbs out there you stupid boy. :(
You dim wit, what difference to the wars reasons or justifications which country I or you or anybody else lives in. You running out of ideas so its a case of us against them. What does it matter if other people, less or more have died in any other war. Does Hitler justify smaller wars because we are as not bad ass as he was?

Your rational and logic are profoundly naive to justify your us v them approach to **** you don't understand.

You feel the need to belong to something to establish the useless body that you are. You think you are part of something bigger? You have an identity crises as well as an inferiority complex.

You need to bash your ego and find your identity in humanity.

I have a voice and I use it as best I can to navigate the UK out of this stupid mess we find our selves in. Yes I have been and still am against the wars.

I suppose you are doing your bit for our troops fighting daft wars and dying for some national interest which no one can quite define.

You are obviously a so called patriot. Why don't you enlist and go and risk your own limbs out there you stupid boy. :(

Well you should explain it to this lot in Manchester, they might disagree with you.

Video: Manchester celebrates Colonel Gaddafi's death - Telegraph
Geography test for you.


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Trying using palmolive on your sensitive skin...

Originally Posted by Uppercut
It's not that hard to last 10 years when you just plant IED's and cowardly blend into the local population by pretending to be farmers and hiding behind women and children.

Dude you try living through your country being ravaged by war and demolished for no effing reason other than being led by some tyrant.

I hardly think the Afghans are cowards. Real cowards are the US marines fighting at range. Not daring to go in but firing misiles into crowded civilian areas to take out one assumed terrorists. Instead killing 10s and 20s of innocent women and children. You want terrorists to be stand up comedians and fight like men? You are a joker or what?

If you can justify to your little **** conscience these acts and large numbers of deaths then you shouldn't have too much to worry about my words.

600,000 Iraqis are estimated to have been killed because of the war based on UN (reliable past calculations). Over 10,000 US marines severely injured large number with missing limbs. Over 4m refugees. Whole country destroyed. Still poor power, water and medical supplies. What on earth have you got to be happy about winning some **** war.

The real enemy is inside mate. Get off your high horse and have some coffeeeeee.... (y)

You are very strange. When have I ever stated that I am happy about winning the war or indeed can justify the war? I do not agree with any war you sad, sad individual.

You spend too much time posting on the internet, and you're mentaly unstable. Probably due to having no friends and still being a virgin.

You like to jump to conclusions. You seem to think that using woman and children as human sheilds and planting roadside bombs and indeed terrorism is acceptable.

You need to get out more.
oh come on;
thanks to GWB iq borderline and his puppet TB, who did very nicely in the end thank you, we have been exposed to IEDs and all the rest of it
and $4T - where has it left the American people and Britain for that matter- bankrupt, financially and morally.

Like dropping the atomic bomb or bombing from drones shows how us westerners are trully the courageous ones

uppercut - wakey, wakey, or are your kids going to be the fodder? for the elites in the west to maintain their lifestyle?
We were exposed to IEDs long before GWB was ever heard of, mostly thanks to Gadaffi and his Irish friends.
so, your happy for your kids to go the Middle east then?
to fight for what?
or maybe your just happy for someone else kids to go from the council estates around britain/
Aren't Gadaffis' Friends in Ireland in Government there now? happily running the show with Britain's most loyal subjects the democratic unionist party?
I think Fine Gael are in power in Ireland, is it a coalition, I'm not sure. Gadaffis friends were primarily Fine Fail and Sinn Fein. Were you referring to Northern Ireland by any chance?
somehow I don't think Conor cruise O'brien as an example of a member of Fine Gael as being firends with Gadaffi?

Considering Britain's friendship with gadafi in the last 10 years with Blair visiting him in the tent and saying "you look well"? and Gordon Brown releasing Magrahi with Tory acquiescence maybe you meant "His British friends"?
In any case, I stumbled in here, - my view is purely that war, terrorism etc is a waste, and of course strong arguments can be put forward to justify military action, the motives presented are not always what they seem and with AA stating that due to Gadafi's removal petrol will drop 6pence a litre here, I can't help but be cyncical, or indeed after 40 years of conflict in Nortern Ireland and 3000+ lives lost, and they end up with a sinn fein-DUP administration (which if asked in 1969 no one would have wanted) when there could have been a moderate government in place and those lives saved?

Good night