G20 Meltdown in London!


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Some maybe aware others not so there is no harm in keeping people in London informed.

FACTBOX-Planned protests around London G20 summit | Reuters


Anarchists and protestors all coming down on London at different times to cause chaos during the G20 summit this comming weekend / week. What they are going to acheive or do is beyond me and I like to compare these poor misguided people to tree huggers.

How can you be a tree hugger and yet wipe you ass with soft white, volumtuous Andrex paper! They enjoy or use the fruits of capitalism which allows them to trade their time and labour for what ever cause they desire. Do they prefer totalitarianism and be shot for protest!

A word of warning I hope not to see anyone expressing any sympathy for these people, this is a forum for trading in a free market, the purest of capitalist values and mechanisms :smart:

For those with time to kill: South Park Zone: S9 - Die Hippie, Die
Ninja with guns? Check this kit out

I think you're naive to call them misguided. It's merely a way of showing the government that you disagree with their policies. Most know that they will have sod all affect on any decisions made, same as the protests against the Iraq invasion did sweet FA. If they don't realise that then yes, you're probably right 😆
Just for the record I'm on the side of the protestors.

I hope they do as much damage as possible to infrastructure, buildings and lifestyles.

I also hope no one gets hurt.

These politicians, bankers, lawyers and estate agents in my book all need a good dose of theft and damage so they feel what your average masses currently feeling.

What goes round comes round.

If there is anybody recruiting to steal from Politicians houses my name is in the hat.

Let the ****bags feel what it is like to be stolen from. Not exactly their property or hard earnt money is it.

It's all a big freaking scam...

Billions given to banks and shareholders should have been given to keep people in homes. Not used for eviction.

I'm seriously considering taking the day off my self to do a bit of sight seeing round London... 😏
Just for the record I'm on the side of the protestors.

I hope they do as much damage as possible to infrastructure, buildings and lifestyles.

I also hope no one gets hurt.

These politicians, bankers, lawyers and estate agents in my book all need a good dose of theft and damage so they feel what your average masses currently feeling.

What goes round comes round.

If there is anybody recruiting to steal from Politicians houses my name is in the hat.

Let the ****bags feel what it is like to be stolen from. Not exactly their property or hard earnt money is it.

It's all a big freaking scam...

Billions given to banks and shareholders should have been given to keep people in homes. Not used for eviction.

I'm seriously considering taking the day off my self to do a bit of sight seeing round London... 😏

Hear hear!
An alliance of more than 150 unions and environment, charity, faith and development groups will march will be heading for London, to protesters and voice their concerns. People are understandably angry about the impact of the economic crisis on their jobs, savings and plans for the future. I wish all the protesters all the best in London.

Time to wake up people!


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What I love is all the "capitalism isn't working", but what the vast majority of them are complaining about, is the bailout, which is a completely socialist policy.
I agree with the moderate ones. I don't know about being against capitalism per se, but the bank bail outs were a disgrace and it can only be a good thing if we move towards a more equitable and less violent society.

I don't agree with anarchists/communists though.
LOL, 10,000 peeps outside BOE , all seems sedated at the mo ! Will it be hosting on next years tv show "When Mobs Go Wild" ?
What I love is all the "capitalism isn't working", but what the vast majority of them are complaining about, is the bailout, which is a completely socialist policy.

Technically this is incorrect.

The bailout is effectively theft.

Socialism would have given the money to the masses not the few shareholders and ****** ******s...

******s pay the ****** politicians to have their way...

Gordon Brown I'm sure will be well looked after into his death bed by the ******s his jerked off...

System is ****. Only one thing left to do imo... pure anarchy is required to restore order.

If the ******s and Politicians and everyone else benefits from this what is there to stop them from doing it again???
Technically this is incorrect.

The bailout is effectively theft.

Socialism would have given the money to the masses not the few shareholders and ****** ******s...

******s pay the ****** politicians to have their way...

Gordon Brown I'm sure will be well looked after into his death bed by the ******s his jerked off...

System is ****. Only one thing left to do imo... pure anarchy is required to restore order.

If the ******s and Politicians and everyone else benefits from this what is there to stop them from doing it again???

I have to laugh... they were smashing the windows of RBS !!! but as we all know most of them are only part time anarchists and are gainfully employed, so in effect they will be paying for the window damage themselves via their tax's !!! 😆
Technically this is incorrect.

The bailout is effectively theft.

Socialism would have given the money to the masses not the few shareholders and ****** ******s...

Quite so. All those peddling this "socialist policy" nonsense need a good sharp course in Politics 101 supplemented by Modern History 101. How can handing out vast amounts of money to the bastions of finance capitalism be called "socialist" ? It is a non-sensical proposition.

This stuff can only thrive in an ideological fairy land where any government activity in, and of itself is by necessity socialist. This, of course is nonsense. A powerful and proactive state (read government) has always been an integral and necessary part of the history of capitalism. By far the two most dominant forces in the history of capitalism - the British Empire and the United States - have been backed by enormous military power. If that doesn't represent government spending on grand scale, then I don't know what does. Hardly socialist, though.

Government, and Big government have always been essential to capitalism and there are many, many examples other than the military one cited above.

For some interesting and insightful background to the bickering in the G20, Michael Hudson's stuff is worth a read:

Economic Meltdown: The "Dollar Glut" is What Finances America's Global Military Build-up

You need to read some of his other articles to fully grasp what he is on about.