fxcm versus deal4free

So do I guv. In the same way as you do, and no I haven't noticed any difference in the server at those times. You may get a market has moved while trying to place etc. But you can always retry can't you?

"Well i use both............
fxcm for position trading and d4f for intraday.

good think about fxcm is good news service

has anyone noticed that during financial announcements and volatility fxcm servers does not work..................
or is it just me."
options said:
So do I guv. In the same way as you do, and no I haven't noticed any difference in the server at those times. You may get a market has moved while trying to place etc. But you can always retry can't you?

Thanks, guess maybe prob at my end!
maybe running 2many stuff on my pc!
For a couple of months, FXCM servers have indeed been cr*ppy around news annoncements... 🙁

It goes well beyond occasional technical problems ("due to unusually large volume"). Seems like a policy to me. 🙄
Today i closed my account with fxcm, they data do not change at all in line with the interbank market. i'm happy i hade acces to the interbank quotes for a week, so it given me the opportunity to see how bad is the fxcm.
cecja said:
Today i closed my account with fxcm, they data do not change at all in line with the interbank market. i'm happy i hade acces to the interbank quotes for a week, so it given me the opportunity to see how bad is the fxcm.

they are the worst broker in the world , its a shame that they are one of the biggest brokers in the world.
moe said:
they are the worst broker in the world , its a shame that they are one of the biggest brokers in the world.

I beleive that they are not as big as they said, anyway as i said above they are okay for people who dont trade with stops.

if you trade with stops with FXCM, you should know that your stop will be taken.
Gci Financial Avoid

Gci Financial Ltd Based In Belize

Do Not Trade With This Broker

They Appear On The Net As A Genuine Brokerage House

I Was Fleeced Out Of All My Money With Them

They Tampered With My Positions

As Well As Not Sticking To The Agreement Of Premium Charged Overnight

If You Read This Do Not Trade With Them They Will Take All Your Money And Give You Nothing In Return

They Are Not Associated With Any Exchange They Simply Tamper With Your Positions To Solely Get Your Money

If You Invest Money With Gci I Strongly Advise You Not To It May Look Like Good Margin Rates But They Are Not Authorised To Deal In Forex Or Equities

Also They Were Revoked Their Trading Licence From The S.e.c. In The Usa For Illegal Trading Practices

Take Heed Of My Warning And Pass It On
I have also just lost almost all of my initial funds (although I didn't risk much) with GCI. I know their software really really well from using the demo for months, but their actual live trading is vastly different. They do not respect limits at all. I watched as the market exceeded my limits and GCIs software wouldn't close me out. I was unable to select the close option to take myself out of trades that were going well OR trades that were going badly. GCI have not addressed ANY of my issues. If the market goes my way, the software ignores it and I told it is a 'bad tick'. If the market goes their way it closes me out and 'bad ticks' do not seem to apply. These people truly are ripoff merchants.
They look worth checking out, though if they are 'new' it may be best to wait for a track record to develop.
I've recently downloaded and tried several demos and quite like onanda (best for Mac diehards). I quite liked the user friendliness of CMC(D4F) but the bad press on these boards has given me doubts. There again I don't know whether all these comments are impartial. The jungle of Spread Betting seems to be getting very overcrowded, and competition and survival take precedent over the punters.

The most impressive charting is at CMS Forex (not CMC) and you can open an account for £300. Anyone used them for real?