FX with eSignal


Active member
I signed up for eSignal for a trial month and a few have found a few negative issues. Has anyone else had the same:

1. eSignal price seems much more sensitive than any other charting package.

2. There have been times when you get repeat spikes (I am using 1 and 5min charts). Today at 10am est there were nine spikes in a 45min period to exactly 1.2275, which do not appear on other charting packages.

3. eSignal went down moments before the Fed rate rise annoucment. Stayed down for 15+ mins.

At this rate, I will not be continuing with it !
try quotetracker with the fx feed from iq.once the instability is sorted by jerry medved,i am sure it will be great
hagadol said:
I signed up for eSignal for a trial month and a few have found a few negative issues. Has anyone else had the same:

1. eSignal price seems much more sensitive than any other charting package.

2. There have been times when you get repeat spikes (I am using 1 and 5min charts). Today at 10am est there were nine spikes in a 45min period to exactly 1.2275, which do not appear on other charting packages.

3. eSignal went down moments before the Fed rate rise annoucment. Stayed down for 15+ mins.

At this rate, I will not be continuing with it !

Esig uses GTIS feed which is the biggest POS ever, I REPEAT, BIGGEST POS EVER.
I used to use eSignal and don't any more (more because of the price than the problems you've referred to above). Currently I have the 7-day free trial from ProRealTime and am very pleased with it so far; I'm intending to subscribe when the trial runs out. The charts seem much the same as with eSignal and the price is far lower. Too early for me to comment yet on the reliability, of course.
"Esig uses GTIS feed which is the biggest POS ever, I REPEAT, BIGGEST POS EVER."

Does POS stand for pile of sh** ?

The GTIS feed does filter out spikes that are more than a certain percentage away from the last price. TRADERguy also indicated on another thread the the GTIS feed price jumps around a lot.

By default the GTIS feed plots the traded price - which does have a tendency to bounce around. It is possible to set esignal so that the bid or ask price within the GTIS feed is plotted. esignal told me so and have a formula for enabling this. I wonder if by plotting the bid or ask price, the plotted price would be more stable? Any thoughts?



esignal have informed me that -

The FOREX data provided by GTIS is not actual Trade data. This is the last Bid and Ask rates supplied by any of the 200 contributing Banks. The reason prices may bounce is because ther are just Bid and Ask and sometimes a contributor may submit a quote that is out of range from the rest of the market. You can filter out specific contributors only in our Time & Sales window but you will see all Bid & Ask data in the Daily and Intraday Charts.

Wouldn't the GTIS datafeed (or any datafeed) be better if it plotted either the bid or ask prices of the contributing sources - rather than both the bid or the ask price?

Wouldn't the GTIS datafeed (or any datafeed) be better if it plotted only changes in the prices quoted at the top of the list/order book/market depth screen? i.e. a new higher bid or a new lower ask price? Because surely a change in the bid or ask price of the 190th place bank is totally irrelevant to what the market is doing and is beyond the boundaries of what any trader would want to see plotted on a chart?

Many thanks

Good alternatives to esignal


I like esignal for the affordable price, reliability, customer support, the wide range of datafeeds/markets that it caters for, and EFS - esignal formula script - for being able to design and implement mechanical strategies.

Should the GTIS datafeed prove to be too unstable, I may have to look to other packages/datasources. 🙁

I would like to know the names of the alternatives to esignal - with a similar subscription cost, and the ability to custom build and implement strateges. Also, if you are aware, how do these alternatives compare to esignal for reliability and technical support.

Also, is it possible to get a different datafeed (not supplied by esignal) into esignal such as the s&p comstock interbank forex datafeed?

Many thanks

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i changed from esignal to sierra and mytrack data and prefer it , though not many fx mkts covered, fx with esignal is definitely problematic and get a curious shape to charts
I use E-signal 7.6, for FTSE Equities. The charts are wrong. They do not include "Off-Book" Trades, so you could have 90,million shares in BP sold while you are watching the chart and you would not know it!

I have reported the matter to them in July, they credited me some of the exchange fees. Still the charts are wrong. Hopefully they will fix this!
Originally posted by henry766
i changed from esignal to sierra and mytrack data and prefer it , though not many fx mkts covered, fx with esignal is definitely problematic and get a curious shape to charts.

Hi henry

do you know where mytrack get their spot interbank forex data from?

Also, is it possible to design and implement mechanical trading strategies with sierra charts?

Thanks a lot.

According to the GTIS website -

GTI is recognized as the premier supplier of international merchandise trade data around the world. Corporations, governments and associations in more than 250 cities and 50 countries use our products to develop a better understanding of trade flows.

Our reputation for professionalism, accuracy, thoroughness and service is unmatched in the field. GTI is committed to continue in this tradition and to work constantly to enhance our trade data products to stay on the cutting-edge of technology.

Perhaps the best hope for forex traders is to wait for a/the major forex datafeed - EBS data to become available at a normal price and be used on a more universal basis, within packages like esignal. This will help the forex industry in my opinion......................
.........At the moment it all seems a bit like boxing. You have the WBA, WBC, IBF belts. Then you have the WBO, WBF and IBO belts. Which one is best? who's the real/best champion? If there was one title for one champion, the public would know exactly what was what, have a better understanding, no confusion and a bigger intererest etc. etc...........I believe the same may be applicable to interbank forex datafeeds 😕
not sure where mytrack get fx from offhand , but tech analysis pretty good , simple to use and much easier to scroll through time frames and different mkts , is easy to use , they have it free for a week so u can see for yourself!!( changeing timeframes was also a little slow with esignal ) only have 10 major crosses, is atleast half the price of esignal too, but there is a small gap in data around midnight i think?
Originally posted by Mackie
I use E-signal 7.6, for FTSE Equities. The charts are wrong. They do not include "Off-Book" Trades, so you could have 90,million shares in BP sold while you are watching the chart and you would not know it!

I have reported the matter to them in July, they credited me some of the exchange fees. Still the charts are wrong. Hopefully they will fix this!

Hi Mackie

I'm not sure what you mean by "off-book" trades but having used esignal to trade UK stocks I know that the esignal feed does plot traded prices that do not appear on the level 2 order book. For example, if the l2 order book showed that BP was trading at 404-404.5, it would not be uncommon to see trades going through (and being plotted in esignal) at 406 for example. This woud be visible through a spike up and evident through looking at the "trades history".
