Went short at 535, looking for, errm, 700pips, although 7pips will do fine for starters.
mmm, that short looks extra promising IMO
mmm, greeted with all the warmth and affection of a "Liverpool Kiss" on that long 528, still holding it, not got short signal yet, been drawn back to asian launch pad, back up to range ?
is a Liverpool Kiss the same as a Glasgow Kiss, except you get your hubcaps nicked as well?
-30 short 499, I dithered at 516, think i was hoping for a flick to ( from 525 - 540)
is it my imagination, or are the asian sessions providing more sedate moves?
the better signals I am getting at around 3-4am, but I dont get them as I am asleep.
(I would be Long-minded on cable, and just got a short triggered on EUR/JPY)
i would happily take a long when i get a signal, thats not going to be likely on my setup for a few hours yet, bit miffed i dicked about getting short, I wouldnt of hesitated selling 517 if i didnt have the long, never mind. so just have to se how far cable decends or if they hold it next few hours, but no longs for me yet.
EUR/JPY has really lost its way in the last week. It has just been stuck in a narrow range and I just seem to be chasing it around for very little return although obviously cable has made up for this. I'm about to be stopped out this morning's short but could really do with a breakout to the upside if it's not going down.