Hi shadow. I just watched the video you posted. SAD!
The terrible part about all that is that the poor soul is not the only one that gets caught in those sink holes. 😢
There are a few things a trader can do to lessen that type of disaster. Take out opposing options as a hedge for instance.
I had a trading friend about 8 years ago that took a dive off of an overpass on the freeway because he didn't cover his butt with an option blanket in unleaded gas.
One of the way I cover myself is I don't hold anything overnight or the weekends. 😎
I also don't try to make my overnight fortune either. :innocent:
Trading without a complete trading plan is just this side of dumb. 🙄
Maybe others here in the forum will take a look at the video and pay heed to what can happen if you don't cover your butt. 👍
Good trading
RT... :idea: