Fx 2009


well, I bought into those pre lunchtime declines to position for a prod up. which seemed hard going & but result was postive. Dunno if it will bust higher ? G20 news wait is affecting me to hold out ,anyhow I've switched off for day. Wait for short op next week I guess ...... 👍

Sailing BY ! I see no pips !


Break out the bikkies. Stops on the horizon sir. And just one more thing..


[Often at times when I hear this piece, I think, I wonder how many couples used to listen to it together over the decades and imagine that once one partner has gone, I can see the loneliness of the survivor listening to it on their own . hmm , almost part of the British fittings. Many a time I've dozed in and out of consciousness hearing this piece at night in bed.]
Note To Self Re Event Risk!

All week I hear strange talk of "Event Risk" from people in "suits" . Do you know what I say ?

The biggest event risk is not being involved in any.

All week I hear strange talk of "Event Risk" from people in "suits" . Do you know what I say ?

The biggest event risk is not being involved in any.


Hell yeah, you got that right buddy! You seen the "Gaps"? Price porn, pure price porn, look at this filth! Pass the cleanex, the old vinegar stroke is on.
Hell yeah, you got that right buddy! You seen the "Gaps"? Price porn, pure price porn, look at this filth! Pass the cleanex, the old vinegar stroke is on.

Thank you. May your crotch be vested with the fleas from a thousand camels for such actions!
In The Night Garden......

Hmm funny night, you know one of them,in bed, when your awake alert and tuned in, to my left I had world service(talk of melting ice caps ,people dying in container ships,living in sewers, and keeping an eye out for the multi stage North Korean rocket launch) and twinkling stars which could be seen through the pitched roof window,which I thought might of been the mother ship positioning to come and suck my brains out.... but to my right the dog was snoring and his spidy senses (being slightly better than mine I thought, on hard wired fight or flight instinctive basis) indicated (because of his transmitting of snoring noises) no aliens were going to visit this evening perhaps ! So I felt safe from alien attack see ! 🙂

Also through the Velux roof window (dogs side, pine ,open midway) I could hear the sound of keewick keeewick keewick, which ,as any self respecting human with an ounce of caring for his external localaity will know ,that it is the female tawny owl calling the male owl to her side. Then Chester-Thomas (faithful cat, if a little bit of recent p1ss take of an attitude that he possesses for having me act as HIS slave to open and close the lounge window to let him in and out umpteen times per day !)) could also be heard in the lane doing that funny sound cats make when they feel all pleased when they have just killed some small rodent or something...... So I was in the Wide Awake Club.

And then it forces its way into your consciousness ..... GBPJPY,(you don't get much time off from the markets do ya ?) Whats going on with this pair,bit of reflection on the Non Farm payroll shinanigans, and lets look at the facts and review last week going into close with this pair shall we.....

Inter Weekly BULLISH
Intra Weekly BULLISH
Intra Day ?(markets shut now, but waiting for train wrecks seems best policy still with this pair)

No denying the simple truth of the matter, this markets not giving any signs of going "belly up" on us is it ? Nope, I anticipate further upside. Will it be spring surge through 150.00 ? I really dont like weekend closes. Will it trade lower ,in some sort of a train wreck manner so one can consider hopping onboard for NEXT STOP JUPITER ?

Or will all go pip Tong and land in URANUS ?

Ho hum, what I will be anticipating before placing any positional SHORTS will be a couple days churning without trading higher in no significant way OR a nice 300-500 pip one way stiffing down south, now have we had any sign of that in this current move up from 138 zone ? Have we eck as like, look how it closed friday , it's like this markets taken Viagra big time and is look to skin a few more bear humps....

wow waa wee-eh ,very nice, I like....... as Borat might say.. hmm I wonder what he's upto RIGHT NOW ? 😀 Toodlepip

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Well we had the stiffmeister to the downside drop in which meant time to try shorts for some retrace . Couple of "Dartboard" entries by my usual standards meant I was ridden bare back for a good time by rampant Bulls..

However whilst "taking it" and thinking of GBPJPY, I was comforted from the Biblical wisdom "You do know this is a bear market ?" (if only on a short term inter day/intra weekly, sessional basis) which meant I could happily hold short . Ideally 149.20 looked a better fill, didn't it ?

Any how Couple of Good exits this AM, means some good pips picked up for effort, patience holding through the gyrations and taking one for the team ! 😢

Thin week this week so not sure if I'll get another trade on, still says sell the rallies at the mo for this pair, but dunno yet if it will loft up some to try another short...


I was cheering on the Dollar Yen to sink with a cup o tea in the wee hours, as it was flirting with 100.00 😀

Well what a yoyo . I thought 1.4680-147.20 was fair value to start selling into. Then prod beyond, this pairs swinging 200 pips .... Any how few more trades selling into those price rises,& time for me to knock it on the head. Few more points gained.

Still downward pressure hence me selling into these little? rallies ... 🙂


Notice that 1.4570 zone has held for a week ? so maybe in the grander cycle of things thats the next leg up zone next week ?

Would of been nice for that to of collapsed , and may do yet, but I can't chase these trades down here.. see what happens for those holding shorts from higher up..

Showing signs of strength for longs from 146.50-146.00 zone which we are trading at the moment.

See what happens from here on.....
Easter Bunny Update......

Showing signs of strength for longs from 146.50-146.00 zone which we are trading at the moment.

See what happens from here on.....

Well I cut these ( had a couple of punts) for +30 odd ticks gain in the end, this am. I'll post me trade jotter at some point.

so, was the spike on GBPUSD at 1:30pm-ish caused by the US Core Durable Goods news?

quite a sharp and violent move.
the news was forecasted to be bad, ie. negative, -1.2%, but turned out positive, +0.6%.

cant quite get my head around the violence of the move.
I suppose there was also the 1.4590 Support from yesterday. (Euro-session highs acting as support)
get ransquawk trendie, first biggest bank in germany buying it under 146, then middle easterns then announcement of nyc firm then an announcement of central banks.

****ing crazy! u on chatzy?
FAO: Gammajammer (he needs help!)


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Is everyone off till the US/Dow opens then?
TraderTom hasnt opened his room, but will at 4pm, so it must be a light day.
Are you quite sure there is no one in the 'other' room T? 😈😈

popped in earlier.

this morning and early afternoon, number-crunching and testing in prep for this evening.
lovely typlical british bank holiday. light drizzle.
one of my favourite "other" systems is Noconas.
He uses CCI cross over +100 and -100 for entries.

CS Group (CSG): These are the Basic Rules for NERS (Nocona''s

I have been messing about with this, and one of the problems is covering your trade too early.
Obviously, this is a function of the market. If the market is choppy, taking a short when the CCI drops below +100 from above is a good entry. And when CCI rises above -100 from below is also good. But, strongish trends tend to get missed if you cover too early.

I have looked at CCI closing above +100 for a long, and going short when CCI closes below -100.
This allows staying in the trends.

Just messing about, mind you; no financial claims are being made.

EDIT: have uploaded the noddy CCI_trigger for MT4. you enter the CCI value. It then shows when the value closed above 100 from below, and when it closed below -100 from above.


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Business as usual my end.... Just not really got time for chatrooms atm unfortunately.

Sweet Lower high and drop off on gbpjpy.
May day my ****!

Good to remember that not only the UK trade gbp crosses and pairs in UK session... never forget dem Russians!
one of my favourite "other" systems is Noconas.
He uses CCI cross over +100 and -100 for entries.

CS Group (CSG): These are the Basic Rules for NERS (Nocona''s

I have been messing about with this, and one of the problems is covering your trade too early.
Obviously, this is a function of the market. If the market is choppy, taking a short when the CCI drops below +100 from above is a good entry. And when CCI rises above -100 from below is also good. But, strongish trends tend to get missed if you cover too early.

I have looked at CCI closing above +100 for a long, and going short when CCI closes below -100.
This allows staying in the trends.

Just messing about, mind you; no financial claims are being made.

EDIT: have uploaded the noddy CCI_trigger for MT4. you enter the CCI value. It then shows when the value closed above 100 from below, and when it closed below -100 from above.

trendie, i think you have tried out more systems / indicators than spanish has scammed ebay users...