Futures datafeeds


Hello all,

I have moved this to a new thread as I thought it was in the wrong place.

If you can offer some help and advice with the below couple of questions
it would much appreciated.

I am using a chart /software package that only has access to Liffe futures,
in addition to the standard stock exchanges.

They inform me that to get access to other futures exchange data (Eurex, LME, NY,
CBOT etc) I need a third party data feed. (e.g. Bloomberg, Tenfore).

I notice a few of you trade several futures markets / exchanges (ym, dax, ftse gold etc).

My question is can anyone recommend a chart / software provider that has access
to Liffe, Eurex, London Metal Exchange, CBOT etc as part of their own package
I will not need all the exchanges but would like to subscribe to additional ones as need be.
I realise I will have to pay exchange fees to each exchange but wanted to cut out the
3rd pary data feed so to speak
Or is the 3rd party data feed the norm.

At present I can access Liffe futures charts by paying an additional exchange fee
to my chart / software provider but don't have the complications of 3rd party feeds.
I just access the charts.

How exactly do these work. Would I receive the raw data myself and have to upload
it into my chart software. Would it go to my chart / software provider and they upload it.

Your help appreciated.

Who do you use as a broker? I use Interactive Brokers and it is simple to subscribe to different exchanges for real time data. IB include realtime charts with their software or you can use Sierra Charts for a something a little more sophisticated.