Looking for exchange metadata / symbols


Well-known member
Hello all 😉

I am working on my own software to capture data feeds from various exchanges (using zen fire).

As part of that I need to get a list of all symbols traded.

The exchanges in question are:

[0]: {CME}
[1]: {CBOT}
[2]: {NYMEX}
[3]: {NYBOT}
[4]: {EUREX}
[5]: {LIFFE}
[6]: {MATIF}
[7]: {HSFX}
[8]: {KCBT}
[9]: {MGEX}

The Zen-Fire api allows me to subscribe for a symbol. It does not provide me with a way to query for all possibly symbols, which is something I really would like to.

I also would like metadata such as expiration etc. so that at least I can fill up my own catalog. When subscribing, zen-fire gives me tick granularity, currency units per tick - but I miss things like last trading day etc.

Anyone has any idea where to pull that? I looked on CME, and they have a symbol list (csv file) for the symbol base, but that is it. Other data seems to be non-available in technical form.

Help appreciated 😉 I am willing to put the consolidated data onto a web service for others to use. I also am willing to pay for such a feed, for exmple if it comes as part of an EOD service, simply because.... I would like EOD data anyway 😉