bulldozer said:
My broker is uk based and here are just a few things about their service:
1. Marg charged by them is ZERO on all strategies. Only pay marg to the clearing hse at their rate and no addition made by brokers.
2. All trades are recorded over the phone, so if an error is made and there are losses of x amount of £'s it can be traced thro the tapes.
3. All trades are repeated over the phone to make double sure that details are correct.
4. If a option strategy is on marg call there is 3 days grace to pay up. The bonus of this is that mrkts can change in my favour and the marg-call is cancelled.
5. I am allowed to adjust positions if im on marg-call without first settling the marg issue.
6. They would never close the written legs if marg is not paid after the grace perriod is up. They would close the short and the longs at best price to suit the client [clients best interest]
7. They allow me to use hedge's against my options position that are NOT options related at all and this will reduce the marg by a great deal and increase my contracts volume, which in turn increase's my income [profits]
8. They specialise ONLY with derivatives trading and are not over streched with work. I like this because i can have a good chin-wag with them about the mrkts and other things too.
9. They are regelated by the FSA a stronger bodie than the US
Yes, I do work for IB and I don't want to get into a tit for tat here but I will address your comments:
1. If a strategy requires margin, then we will charge margin as required by the exchanges. If what you imply is that you do not have to put up any capital, I find that hard to believe. Not only does this fly in the face of regulations, would you really be comfortable placing capital at a firm that doesn't require margin for their clients before entering a trade?
2. All trades entered in via IB's TWS have an extensive audit trail that is recorded and saved. Clients can also save a local copy of their audit trail as well. Clients who call in to place a trade naturally do so over a recorded line.
3. By the time your broker confirms the order to you over the phone you may have missed an opportunity. Nevertheless, parameters can be set on the TWS to pop up a warning box or to confirm entry of an order.
4. margin/credit at IB is real time. If a position goes in your favor, you can use that capital to put on other positions.
5. You should be able to close a position given the capital within the account satisfies regulatory requirements
6. You can set which positions/legs are liquidated first via the TWS.
7. Not sure what you are stating but available net liq determines buying power. If you are talking buy/writes and the such, you can do those as well.
8. IB has extensive experience with derivatives.. Look up the history on our web site.
9. We are also regulated by the FSA but to say they are safer is ludicrous. US broker dealers will fall under SIPC which offers insurance of upto 500K (100K cash, 400K securities). In addition, IB has insurance from Lyolds of London with protection up to 30 million. More importantly, IB has ample capital with the Group being ranked the 16th largest securities firm in the US. The IBG has roughly $2 billion in equity with little or no debt.
Other items you address:
- you say interest doesn't matter. It certainly does. interest earned/paid is a factor in pricing options).
- sell ATM options. If you have sufficient equity in the account you can do so. If you don't you will not be able to.
- naked options: when opening an account a number of factors are taken into account when granting option trading permissions. Rogue trading is not an issue at IB since we require margin up front. I.e. if your net liq is not high enough to support initial margin requirements, you will not be able to enter a trade.
- how many leave and why? I don't know. I do know that we receive more than 5 account transfers into IB for every one that leaves.
- trade by car: we're not interested in that type of business. we are interested in servicing the active trader. If needed, clients can trade via a PDA or call into our trade desk.
Our options business is doing very well and is experiencing large growth. We believe our SMART options routing is second to none. With that said, IB is not for all traders and we can't be all things to all people. That's what's great about competition.