Futex Test Paper

😱 I take it back. By concentrating on the shadow of her foot I can make it spin both ways....

How does this work?
J, just said we'll give her a call and ask for a private, personal demonstration, as for me she's only turning one way too, clockwise.

But the good thing is, others can see her dancing two ways, but we're the ones getting to meet her.


Her right foot is solidly planted on the floor and she rotates right/clockwise all the time. Any other suggestions are just plain ridiculous.

Great minds think alike BSD. I'll invite her over to the Haschen Ranch😉
I can get her to spin both ways too when I use my mind powers on her foot...If you look to the far right of the screen so you see her in your peripheral vision, and do the same looking looking to the left of the screen you get interesting results.
Re: About Trading Arcade's Entry Exam


I originally phrased this post in a way that implied I was looking for a detailed examples of tests various arcades make graduates take . This wasn't my intention, however i am interested in any "general advice" experienced prop traders could pass on to new graduates just starting the recruitment process.


Futex is the most boring, uninspiring trading company I have come across and I've gone for free workshops and presentations to at least five other companies to check out what's available out there.

And the test process is just as boring as the company seem to be as a whole.

It comprises of several test sheets of 50 questions each. You have only 10 minutes on you to complete all answers. They test you on your speed of thought, decision making, ability to read and recognize symbols, and of course, an entire page of math questions which is a struggled to complete within 10 minutes...

At the end is a one page sheet with general questions about the stock markets, the FTSE100, who regulates what, and the current value of some main indexes.

After turning down any further interviews with Futex since I simply could not imagine spending many days there, I was offered a training position at another company which is far more inspiring than Futex. And I get a better base pay too (double to Futex), and I'm tutored to quicker profits than Futex seem to be able to generate in their traders who seem to have spent and endless amount before they got profitable.
Futex is acting strange - they just started selling two day "workshops "for 700 pounds along with 8000 per 12 weeks "floor training" in what they call Futex Academy.Does this all mean they struggle with their core business which is trading? Thety sell education to newbies/hopefuls,this is what i think.Correct me if Im wrong🙂
Did you what-is-in-their-test-paper wanna knows ever considered this?
Futex is acting strange - they just started selling two day "workshops "for 700 pounds along with 8000 per 12 weeks "floor training" in what they call Futex Academy.Does this all mean they struggle with their core business which is trading? Thety sell education to newbies/hopefuls,this is what i think.Correct me if Im wrong🙂
Did you what-is-in-their-test-paper wanna knows ever considered this?

£714 for a 2 day course, which is most likely just a teaser to sucker the fools into paying £8000 for the 12 week training.

More snake oil vending...

Futex Investment & Trading Academy specialises in identifying and training Proprietary Traders – the elite of the trading community.
We have condensed a wealth of trading experience into an intensive 2 day programme to give ambitious individuals the best opportunity to succeed.

1. Intensive 2 day programme

Delivered from our state-of-the-art trading floor in the City of London, this programme will cover the following:

Introduction to Financial Markets
Trading as a Business
Fundamental Analysis and the key Economic Indicators
Technical Analysis of the professional
Trading Psychology
Trading Approach
Risk Management

2. Futex Mentoring Solution

As part of the Trading Floor Workshop programme you will receive 30 days free access
to the online Futex Mentoring Solution.
With over 80 hours of dedicated mentoring,
you will be supported, advised and guided every step of the way.
Hear live trade calls and ideas from professional Proprietary Traders
as you build on the content of your 2 day training programme.
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