You mean me ?
I was just replying to Hooya RE due diligence.
I don't get the point of joining a prop firm if you have sufficient funds of your own, but if you want the company of others and are getting too lonely at home or sthg and want to go in self backed I would have the financials checked, there are far too many prop firms that have blown up over the years to not engage in that minimal due diligence.
If I were like most and just starting out trading 100 % of their money I'd be less bothered, but obviously depending on length of contract if you're profitable you'd still want to see whats what on the basis of hard facts to ensure that your funds will remain safe there.
That said I think most people at prop firms will tend to be scalpers who don't keep all that much of their money with their prop firms, most of the scalpers will regularly withdraw the bulk of their earnings and start the month or the quarter fresh with a nominal amount, in which case there isn't much to worry about either no matter what happens.
The ones who really need to do their due diligence are the swing or position traders who will have the bulk of there funds with their broker to compound with.
Self funded swing or psoition traders are really the only ones who would have massive problems IF their broker or prop firm go belly up, but I don't think there are too many of those at prop firms to begin with.