Funny traders/trades


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From Agustin Silvani's book : "Beat the Forex Dealer"

These tickled me

Peter Young: Morgan Grenfell's star trader is not best remembered for his unauthorised trades (a mere $350m), but the fact that he showed up to court wearing women's clothes in an attempt to plead insanity. Seems like Young got the last laugh since the court declared him unfit for trial!

1998: Perhaps the most classic blunder of all time was made by a now-infamous Salomon trader who is said to have accidently sold £850m worth of French government bonds.....simply by leaning on his keyboard

Me telling my doctor that if silver gets below $27 but not lower than $25 buy with both hands. Then doing nothing of the kind myself.

Boy did I feel like a **** when he asked me how well I did after thanking me for the advice I gave but didn't take.
Me telling my doctor that if silver gets below $27 but not lower than $25 buy with both hands. Then doing nothing of the kind myself.

Boy did I feel like a **** when he asked me how well I did after thanking me for the advice I gave but didn't take.

I did the same with my Doctor at the early days of the credit crisis, he said should I buy some bank shares? I said I wouldn't touch them with a barge pole, he said not even Barclays which were trading at about 15. I said maybe Barclays or HSBC but Barclays will go to 9 so not yet. Next time I met him we had a conversation like yours, he was pleased and is still holding them. I bought at 9 got scared when they went to 4.5 and bailed out at 10. Duh: 🙁