This is todays charts.
Real easy trades and entries. I love days like this.
Yeah - I bet Xeno enjoyed "days like this" - he was setting you all up for a fall.
Look, this is not just sour grapes because Xeno trashed my thread. I purposely kept off his thread because I did not wish to escalate the damage being done, as my thread was being trashed - no thanks to some of you who only wanted to see me as a front for Andrew Searle.
If you read the first few posts in my thread, I made it plain I wanted to develop the thread for the purpose of sorting out why the system didn't always win, and what could be done to filter the losers, or at least define where trouble was likely to occur.
Some of you will be die-hards and never believe me, but that's fine.
Others will not be sure and give me the benefit of the doubt.
In the time I have been here, I have had similar threads - all in a similar vein, and NONE of them attempting to sell anything, or trick anyone.
I even had a long-term method I tried to develop of my own design, but I can't trade well, and it too flopped. At least I had a go, and if I say it myself, I am an honest and caring member of this forum. No one wants to hear that - we are all honest ... yeah?
So could I point out to you all what I saw on day 1 when I investigated Xeno, and visited his thread. That was the day I also voted "No" in his poll, and he accused Andrew Searle of voting "No". Funny man. I explained why I voted "No" in my own thread when Xeno made his maniacal accusation.
I have posted an image below, which explains how Xeno conned you all. He claimed he used "discretion". But what traders need to consider, is what happens as the action unfolds from the right hand edge of the screen. Xeno was posting in hindsight, which means he was not trading live. Perhaps he was showing setups ... a demonstration?
We won't know for sure.
But if you look at the indicator I highlighted, you will see it was dipping DOWN, while price was RISING. Xeno put a green square around the section, indicating a signal to go long. He conveniently ignored the bit that was dipping DOWN in the bottom window - remember - this was all that would be visible at the time at the right hand edge of the screen - price had not developed further at that time - so it could NOT have been the setup he claimed.
I am happy to be proven wrong in this - I am willing to learn too.
But given the man's character - assuming "he" really was a man and not a girl pretending to be a man, I really do not feel like extending the benefit of the doubt that far.
The link will only take you to the
same image I posted ... and is there in case the quality is poor.
On another note - I really was genuine in my intent on that thread, and was willing to accommodate anyone's questions - even to the extent that I ended with egg on my face. My purpose was to LEARN how to trade that method better - not to promote it - but in any Commercial system, there will be the side effect of highlighting the system too.
I am still willing to post live trades as they occur ... in real time ... but even then there will be those that will say I am cherry-picking the trades. Well, that's what the system calls for - trading the best setups, and only having a couple of live trades open at one time. I can not manage more that 2 positions on the IG Markets platform that are live/open at one time. So for sure I am only going to have the first and second trades that look ok for entry, and not look at the rest.
If anyone knows how I could have been more straight-forward and open about the approach, I'd take that on board - in fact I will/would have co-operated or accommodated ANY reasonable request to try to show the workings - good or bad.
Believe me or not - I can't help what people think.
But there is nothing to stop anyone from coming on my threads and trashing it again - and I don't have the heart for it, or the energy.
if someone else wants to have a go - good luck to them - I might even contribute - but I am all washed out with starting threads on T2W - the environment is too suspicious and paranoid, and unless you are one of the old boys club, it only takes one hostile response, as in what Xeno did, before they come out of the woodwork and destroy anything you attempt.
Not too many thinkers ... but plenty of snipers. This post will draw a few ... from both camps, but mainly the snipers I suggest. It's easy to take shots from the cheap seats, but no one wants to go the hard yards to get to the guts of the truth. Cheap entertainment ... cheap laughs ... pack mentality.
can you blame anyone from taking that view - The evidence suggests it's true.
I wonder how people feel about what was done to me now - indifferent probably. And that's fine if you are in this for the laughs.
I wasn't - I was earnestly trying to find the system's weaknesses and improve on it, so that I could trade it myself with a live account full time.
Bit of history now.