Some of the reasons I think spread betting is easier:
a) The firm will always take the other side of your trade meaning you never have any liquidity issues. If you've ever spread bet a product like Natural Gas and then actually seen a direct market ladder for it you'll realise how much of a blessing this is.
But how wide is the spread on NG with an SB firm and what is the maximum size they will take. This game is all about exploiting inneficiencies and if someone will give you a better spread than the live market and will take size they are just asking to be ripped apart.
b) Yes SB firms platforms freeze from time to time. So do exchanges. I've been at my prop firm for just under five months and so far we've had the exchanges go down twice with traders trapped in positions.
Yep, it's a bitch for us all.
c) SB firms keep fixed spreads. In the direct market, the participants have direct control of who will provide the best bid and offer. The spread on GBP/USD stays at 3 for me with E*Trade on non-farm payrolls. On my direct market, the spread can widen to five times this at least.
But the majority of the time on the majority of markets you will be hard pressed to find a SB quote that's better than the live market is offering.... I have never tried spread betting over NFP but can you really get filled at such a good price as the figure is released? If so this is another ineficiency we should all be exploiting.
d) Direct market limits you to contract sizes. Spread betting does not. This means that if 2% of your account is £204 you can position your risk almost PERFECTLY.
Agreed, but soon you'll be doing bigger size and this will cease to be a problem.
e) SB firms make MISTAKES. This is rare in the direct market. I see SB firms regularly misquote prices and when they do I clean up 🙂
Good on you, but I would say this is a matter of taking advantage of the SB firm's mistakes rather than their platform improving the efficiency of your trading. However, although the direct market, of course, cannot make mistakes, it's participats often do some pretty silly things and I firmly believe I am better positioned to take advantage of these using TT than I would be with a spread betting platform.