FTSE Ex Dividends

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Junior member
Does anyone know a site for forthcoming FTSE stocks going Ex Div please ?
Thanks for the info GMCA, Ive been to that site, but I was a little concerned that they're not listing Glaxo or Bp as going Ex div this week ?
I hadn't realised that they were missing some. If you find a better site let me know!
Thanks Dazzam, but Im looking to access this info regularly. The LSE dont have this function on their web.
Yes but I can, I have access to a system that gives me the info, that is why I wanted you to PM me.

I'm clicking on PM Daz but get this message :

You have turned off private messages. You may not view or send private messages until you turn them on by editing your profile.

Sorry new to this site.

Regards, David
Thx Bonsai, Im aware of this site. The thing is I would be most interested in a site that provides you with details of forthcoming Ex Div stocks, ie within the next week/month etc. This avoids having to go through the whole 350 list.
Think I am right in saying that Companies are no longer required to advise LSE in advance so the info is scatterered about the place unless you subscribe.

Try AFX.
The Info I have is from the LSE but only gives Ex Div detail for the preceeding week, so it may not be of any use to you anyway.