FTSE, DAX, DOW Trading Ideas and discussions

30 min data
note the last 2 column upwards..no support ...the latest could find support
the trend is down
going to be great volatility until we find direction
plenty of pips

I have to say you are a worker mate.

My computer usually goes off by 6pm latest, then back on at 7.30am, then usually wait until 8.15/8.30am to decide first entry

Good to see you've cracked on with your thread, good for you fella, I'll look in & maybe add a little here & there if ok with you guys.

It won't be bundles, I am definitely not a live call trader, too much distraction, & it seems others are far too willing to dissect every little detail, I actually want people to tell me if I'm right off track, but the mauling you got was a bit much tbh.

Broker statements or not, showing off or not, the fact is your instincts (like Dinos, Dentist, 2be etc) are good, end of.
this is why I always wait for the grind out, sometimes I miss the entry, but I'm far more relaxed waiting to see the Dax to give the thumbs up or down, Dax-Julius caesar