FTSE, DAX, DOW Trading Ideas and discussions

Are we at an inversion window about now??

For ITD TF inversion window starts after the last point of that cycle, point 11, and ends with the arrival of point 2 of the new cycle, so extra point/s can be added on the either side of the point 1. There can be single inversion when only one extra point is added on either side of the point 1, or a double inversion when two extra points are added on both sides of the point 1.
It is well explained in the Market Matrix video recordings. Please have a look.

As far as Delta count posted on Delta thread, nothing has changed.
I find it helpful to use M30 with the consolidation zone and the level of the close at 9:00 pm together with the chosen momentum indicators. It seems to work well for me atm.
There is absolutely nothing special about this, and many will say that there are too many indicators to which I agree. For me profits are more important that indicators.
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Can someone please explain to me why the hell europe went up yesterday? I was sitting here listening to cnbc and it was reported around 5am est that China's central bank said it will lower the amount of deposits banks hold in reserve by 0.5 percentage point so free money will just be given away.......the markets shot up. Down trend cancelled out. Europe bounces back. WTF is this? Why are these chinese making these announcements out of no where in hopes to save their **** markets. Anyone else witnessing weird **** where spontaneous news is changing direction more frequently this year? 2016........every other day is like major earnings report
Joseph thats why so many people find the markets fascinating.When you think that they should go up they go down and vice versa.You must be very flexible and have no major view.just go with the flow and never be against it.if your position is wrong GET OUT.dont add to it hedge pray etc.just get out with your small loss😉
lose win win win lose lose win lose lose win lose win win win etc....................
Can someone please explain to me why the hell europe went up yesterday? I was sitting here listening to cnbc and it was reported around 5am est that China's central bank said it will lower the amount of deposits banks hold in reserve by 0.5 percentage point so free money will just be given away.......the markets shot up. Down trend cancelled out. Europe bounces back. WTF is this? Why are these chinese making these announcements out of no where in hopes to save their **** markets. Anyone else witnessing weird **** where spontaneous news is changing direction more frequently this year? 2016........every other day is like major earnings report

It went up to take away your money from you and from all those who have strong opinions as to where the market/s should go, and distribute to those who do not bother where it goes, providing they trade the profitable system.

The other answer is that ITD11 H and MTD 11 H is due soon.🙂
We shall see and be ready for every eventuality.:innocent:

I do agree with you that there is a lot of "spontaneous" PA on the markets, and it is challenging at times.
One needs to take some steps to ensure it does not lead to some exceptional losses.
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international rinse a bear day. Has been happening once a month since Aug 2015

Bears will return early next week, or even on Fri.
They are a bit beaten now, but their time is coming, poss after 10 + k is reached on DAX🙂
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Decent bounce from 9748. Was horizontal sup. on the way to Spain lol didn't have time to post. Lots of support between 9700-720.
If 9700 breaks...first test 9654 (prev res), then 9606 area where there is possible trend and horizontal sup

Would also add 9678-9654 (as posted) just seen the former from the p&f thread.
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Great movement from 9790. Res was marked, formed a topping patterned combined with a bear flag. High probality setup that,