FTSE, DAX, DOW Trading Ideas and discussions

honey to trap the bears


I'll ave some of that tanks :)
all res gettin blasted
just a rinse out premarket....
we aint fools....we saw ya
cannot fool us
If history is to be believed that 9300 should be the bottom for the Dax. Where is S&P from its high of April or whenever as a percentage?
if history is to be believed that 9300 should be the bottom for the dax. Where is s&p from its high of april or whenever as a percentage?

From 2008/9 to recent highs...

fib - spx - dax

23% - 1785 - 10300
38% - 1570 - 9010
50% - 1400 - 7980
61% - 1225 - 6950
From 2008/9 to recent highs...

fib - spx - dax

23% - 1785 - 10300
38% - 1570 - 9010
50% - 1400 - 7980
61% - 1225 - 6950

Ahh sorry, I was talking about from April on SPX. So percentage it's fallen by since April or whenever it topped. Sorry at work so can't work it out (n)
It's raining outside, global stocks are plumetting, Central banks can't do anything to stem it - QE has been exhanusted. I feel like the world's about to end :LOL: Well, at least we're ending it with pips in our accounts. Any takers for another plunge from china tomorrow?

Today's movement was a clueless market. Market had absolutely no direction. i lost count of what today's range was / is.
back to our 1942 area...ahem 1946...lol
still rinsing
scalp short off that rinse level
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