FTSE, DAX, DOW Trading Ideas and discussions

Oil looking over sold and poised for a bounce from $50.

Gold is also looking over sold but has breached 1100 and looking bearish. Not for the faint hearted.

PP-S3 @ 1083 is support and if it fails 1040/50s not beyond imagination very soon. (n)
Ignored sell signal on DAX at 517 on M1
dow is retesting daily L
oil looks staable atm
signal was to short from tick chart at 11523 area /prev supp we highlighted a few minutes ago
closed a few mins ago
now for another pump at 11523
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Euro dropping back down but no change in DAX.

Talk of coalition probs for Merkel in German parliament with Schaeuble.

Signs not looking good for a pump.

Dump sounds good.