FTSE 350 Spreadbet Journal

New Positions on 12th September 2012



Buy stops

Sell Stops
The amount of capital invested at one time - I mentioned as an example and it would be the total invested in all of your positions. There is a reference in one book I have read that suggests a maximum of 6%. It is down to each individual trader and the possibly the win rate of your system.
Can anyone help out with further clarification?

Thank you for your reply 1961trader
In my positions above I have between 1 and 2 % exposed in each position, and that is if im stopped out on the mark with no slippage.
Im hoping to be stopped out with none or little slippage as the equities are in the FTSE 350 so all very liquid.
My other reason for having that amount of positions is that the longs are hedged with the shorts, or thats what I think hedging is.
I read in a book, I think it was alexander elders trading for a living, that 2% was the max to leave exposed in any one position, preferably 1% and if I was down 8% in a month , to stop trading for that month.
I suppose one thing that could catch me would be a general market whipsaw.
Ill learn something either way.

The amount of capital invested at one time - I mentioned as an example and it would be the total invested in all of your positions. There is a reference in one book I have read that suggests a maximum of 6%. It is down to each individual trader and the possibly the win rate of your system.
Can anyone help out with further clarification?

Got stopped out of my
KENZ short this morning at a loss.
I had a look at the chart and there was no trading at the price I was stopped at.
I called the broker and the rectified this, as in they refunded my loss and put me back in the trade.
This is the second time this has happenned now.
Im not in a rush to change brokers as im not sure if this is common amongst them.
If anyone could shed some light on this I would appreciate that.
I am considering reopening my
shorts with sell stop orders and a tighter stop
Ive looked at my
WEIR short and wont be reopening it just yet as the price has just gone above the 200dma
FDSA sell stop was filled
CNA buy stop filled

The FDSA stop was filled with 11.1 points slippage, this seems like a lot.
Im not sure if this is normal. I will call them tomorrow.
I called the broker to ask about the FDSA order and he said it was the spread in the underlying market so I asked was the spread over 22 points and then he said he would speak to a dealer, he came back to me and offered to close my position out flat and reopen it on the order price, so i accepted. All good.
and FXPO
sell stops were filled too.
My SAB buy stop was filled
I will be updating a % of equity P&L based on the previous and current loss as a % of the new topped up bank.
Last year loss 36.85%
as a % of the new bank that would be 17.65%
SO current P/L of new bank including previous losses = 24.1%
Hey Think-it Thru
What are your thoughts on FGP (First Group)? Obviously been in the news alot recently and their share price has dropped alot in a year or so. Its just reached a crucial support point at around 180 pence. I'll be watching this one closely and if there's any substantial reaction i'll be going in.
Hello there dan1986ccfc, thank you for your reply.

FGP was on a potential short list if mine in september, but i didnt want to risk any more of my equity in too many positions.
I guess there could be a rally to approx where it was before, but that would be trying to buck the trend.
If i was going to open a position i would wait for that pull back and go short again.
However my opinion may not be of much use as im down 24.1%.
Thank you again for your reply.
MY IGH position has been closed out at a profit saying dividend recieved and then reopened at about the same loss as the profit i was payed, my position is still open , and I will have to attach a stop loss order to it.
Hi Think-it-thru.

Been browsing through this with great interest as I am a spread trader myself.

How do you research the FTSE350 and how do you arrive at the decision to trade with your selections?

Ive always been a fan of advfn for selecting trades with clear volume changes and previously strong companies who are struggling near near 52 week lows eg Tesco of late , as i feel these provide the best value for growth.

Can you give me any of your personal insights into stock selection as I am always open to ideas!

Best of luck in the future.