FTSE 250 spreadbet


Well-known member
I have used cmc to trade the FTSE 250 index on an EOD basis previously but they have just told me that they no longer quote this market!!

Does anyone know of any other SB company that quotes the FTSE250. If so, what is the spread and do they offer charts on an EOD basis (based on their prices, not the cash index)?

Also, as there is a FTSE250 future quoted on LIFFE, does anyone know what the typical spread is on this and if there is much liquidity?

shame isnt it.

too easy to read and too difficult to lay off.
so they had a spread of 20.

haven't found another yet but if I do I'll post it here.

Nobody seems to trade Liffe or very seldom.
If you are not too short term you may even try a tracker.
Oh Dear! More like 50 pts spread after bias.

You could try the FTSE250 warrants, but based on the call and put premiums they can be biased as well when the market moves.
BA looks like a good FTSE 250 tracker at the moment.


  • baftse250.gif
    11.8 KB · Views: 922
ok, it's not the best but here is the chart for FT250 lovers like myself.

<img src="http://chart.bigcharts.com/bc3/intchart/frames/chart.asp?symb=uk%3AFtse+250&compidx=SP500%3A3377&comp=DJIA&ma=0&maval=9&uf=0&lf=1&lf2=0&lf3=0&type=4&size=3&state=8&sid=125174&style=350&time=7&freq=1&nosettings=1&rand=1478&mocktick=1">
Yes, this chart is wrong. Sorry about that. Sharescope can't seem to handle S&P v FTSE 250. I will remove it.
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is there something wrong with your chart ?
ft250 has not been falling since april. Anything but.
its gone from 3800 to 5200+
It looks like the difference in UK and US trading dates has messed up the chart. I was going to put the data in to excel but I don't have the time to sort it out.

The chart certainly does speak for itself and the smooth trends are the reason I have traded it EOD in the past. You have (had) to be in it for the long term as the 20 point spread with CMC could create bias of 40 to 50 points. Still wasn't a serious problem when you can pick up 1000 point moves in a nice smooth trend

Did you use the FTSE 250 with cmc to trade also or do you use it as a back up indicator for trades on other instuments?
used to trade 250but moved over to tracker.
more risky because of dealing limitations .

At the moment I have the view that ft100 wont break
until ft250 does, and ft250 wont break till it reaches around 5380