🙂 😉 well the object of the exercise was to get real time, auditable trades(calls) entries and exits and see how it went. That's a far cry from what we usually have to suffer from most vendor types and thus worth the effort I thought.
No it wasnt.
From time to time, I've been kind enough to teach people the method that I trade. One of the exercises I set them is to take completely random, short term demo trades over a period of several months.
After those trade have been completed, I ask them to plot an equity curve. Not surprisingly, the equity curve generally has a negative gradient.
I then get them to re plot the equity curve but fiddle the numbers to assume that each trade actually made 1 pip more than it actualy did. A 10 pip winner becomes 11 pips, and a 25 pip loser becomes a 24 pip loser etc
I think its fair to say most people who do that have been pretty shocked at the difference it makes. Then add 2 pips and see the effect !
The truth is, a vendor who is able to manipulate a pip on entry, and a pip on exit can put put together a pretty impressive track record simply by tossing a coin.
The question has to be, is it possible to fraudulently claim an entry 1 pip away from where you where actually filled posting entries and exits at a forum. The answer to that question should be bleeding obvious.
Add the issue of multiple exits into the mix, and a little discrepency about how many lots where opened and closed and at what price, and any idiot can put together an extremely impressive track record.
I'm tempted just for lulz to post live calls via twitter from one of my random robots, I'll manipulate the prices by shaving a pip off here and there, and even with a few seconds latency, I guarentee not a single person here at t2w will spot what I'm doing, and I guarentee that I'll return an average of 10% per month. The reality of course is that the robot will lose money.
It is actually beyod belief that a moderator at a trading forum would fall for this nonsense. Anyone whose actually even attepted to make a few quid from the markets for more than 30 seconds understands how these games are played.
T2W should collectively hang their heads in shame. You could insist that vendors trade via that forex desk abomination you are all so fascinated with. That really would be quality lulz.