Iv'e had a bit of a play around with IB TWS demo, and stopped being lazy, and have found that it does seem to become clearer the more you look into it, but not that clear! There are a few things i'd like to know about the demo. I made a couple of trades one being NQ( Nas100futs, i hope )on the globex exchange and the other was YM, i think it was ECBOT, not to sure off the top of my head. One thing i noticed was they both offered LMT trades immediately and not MKT is this the norm and is it up to you to change this. The other thing was when i looked later at my trades it listed a hell of a lot of trades that i had not made. Is this something to do with the demo, i deleted all the other pages and have only got a U.S. Futs page now, i hope this will correct any problems, or is the demo rubbish or the more likely, is it me. Any advice will be much appreciated, thanks, PeeDee...P.S. hope this all makes sense!