Friendly Competition


Well-known member
Prove it!

Since everyone on T2W has a fuss about who's profitable, who's consistent, who is losing their shirt and will be living in a dumpster next week... I think it's about time to set up a competition. Let's see who can back up their Board Bashing.

First and foremost. I'd like to see Blue Chili step up to the plate. I know we all got questions for him.

Secondly, I'd like to see Black Swan join, just because I admire his knowledge and he's always helpful (or she, sorry if I offended).

Anyway, I know Oanda has this feature on demo and I've used it before. Who wants to join up if I start a Demo Competition?

How long should we go? 1 month? 3 months? Most systems can have a bad month or two, so it may not be the best, but anything longer might get in the way of our real trading.

Personally, I'm going to set my real trade first and then swap over to the demo competition, so my system may be a bit skewed too. Either way, this is for fun!
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How about we set an entry deadline of this Friday, end of trading London session. We will use the weekend to iron out the rules and setup accounts and then list them on this thread with trading to commence on Sunday market open?

Alright! WHo else has the grapes to compete?
why in the world would any full time trader want to open up a demo account just to enter your comp. Why donrt you just join a live trading thread and monitor things there
Well then I guess you wouldn't be interested I take it. I have done these with 50 traders before. They are lots of fun. Some of those traders were full time, some hadn't made it past demo yet. Everyone learned something though, that's why Julian.
To Kent, that sounds good, but I think one more week would be nice to see if we can draw in a few more competitors. I got a lot of people on my email that might want to join up too...
No problem. What do you propose the rules to be?

To Kent, that sounds good, but I think one more week would be nice to see if we can draw in a few more competitors. I got a lot of people on my email that might want to join up too...
The only rule I can think of is that you can open just one acct. Sometimes people open two and trade opposite ways, so one is an extreme winner and one an extreme loser.
I have not been able to get the FXgame platform up and running all week. I guess I will have to pass on the contest. I was really looking forward to it.

HERE is the link to sign up. There is four trading weeks, starting Sunday March 21st. One account per user only! Make sure you sign up in time or it will block you out. Anyone is welcome. Only positive feedback on others please. This is for the young to learn and the old to teach: