French Free TA Forum in Paris - 21 and 22 march

André Malpel


Just a word (and sorry for my bad english), to inform you about our next and 4th annually edition of French Free TA Forum in Paris - 21st and 22nd march 2003 to the Espace Cardin on the Concorde place and Champs Elysées avenue, in front of the E.U. Ambassy.

Since march 2000, each year we receive 8 000 visitors on two days, just on Technical Analysis and Trading, and because our forum became international, as we receive each year many famous authors and traders, specially american but european or japanesee too, I thought that you would be interested to know this free event, near your country.

Because our public is of course french in first, many lectures are in french, nevertheless, because many lecturers are american, many lectures will be in first in english and just after only, translate in french. It will be the case, for:
-Mrs Linda Bradford Raschke (2 free events to one hour and an half - and 1 seminar/4hours to 200 euros),
-Mrs Adrienne Toghraie ( => 1 free event to one hour)
-Mr Oliver Velez (Pristine : 2 free events to one hour and an half)
-Mr Hiroshi Okamoto (IFTA and NTAA : 1 free event to one hour)

So that, except the paid seminar of 4 hours with Linda Bradford Raschke, all the other english lectures being free, it will be easy for all you to listen them.
Please, if you want, other explantions, you can go on our website: (but only in french).

Best regards
André Malpel - CEO


  • bando3_salon2003.gif
    38.7 KB · Views: 573
I guess there will be a lot of talking, carry out a few inspections of charts, then decide further indefinate inspections are required despite the chart definately being in breach of support.
