I've just started putting my Forex Systems up on the Internet. My site is for information and feedback only, nothing is for sale. Wondered what people think of this system, it's a long term trend following system. I tested it on the GBP/USD, EUR/USD, USD/JPY, USD/CHF and USD/CAD currencies pairs but had some great result on other currencies and random commodities like oil. Strange Currencies: A Free Mechanical Technical Trading System.
Any one wanna take a look and give me some comments/feed back. I don't mind hearing that my site and system(s) is/are crap if the criticism is constructive.
If I get a good response I'll post more systems.
Many thanks 🙂
I've just started putting my Forex Systems up on the Internet. My site is for information and feedback only, nothing is for sale. Wondered what people think of this system, it's a long term trend following system. I tested it on the GBP/USD, EUR/USD, USD/JPY, USD/CHF and USD/CAD currencies pairs but had some great result on other currencies and random commodities like oil. Strange Currencies: A Free Mechanical Technical Trading System.
Any one wanna take a look and give me some comments/feed back. I don't mind hearing that my site and system(s) is/are crap if the criticism is constructive.
If I get a good response I'll post more systems.
Many thanks 🙂