Free Dionysus


Legendary member

I am trapped, I am censored.My religious opinions are being suppressed on T2W.

My threads including such highlights as:

- 8 year old girl youtube video
- jesus rode dinosaurs
- god was a pedohpile
- the church of Elvis, Jesus Christ

Have all been removed.

Why is this - Surely this is a site on which one is encouraged to express one's religious opinions.

I demand freedom of expression at once :whistling

So when is this site changing from TRADE 2win to Religion2win?

Last time i looked the main focus was trading.
I don't recall you stating what your religious views are. All you have done is made fun of a particular faith and may I say not in an overly clever way. I'm all for a good chuckle, but find your statements/comments to be offensive (would do if you were attempting to make fun of any faith in such a fashion for that matter). I think that your rants and comments underly a deeper rooted rensentment on your part and do I also detect a certain degree of bitterness?
Hey DT,
I missed your deleted threads so don't know what was in them, but I hope a poster of your quality doesn't end up as toast....:cheesy:......(OMG cheesy toast !) because you've been highlighting options' threads in a contrasting satirical fashion.
The irony of your being banned and options remaining would be seriously bizarre.
Richard 🙂
Hey DT,
I missed your deleted threads so don't know what was in them, but I hope a poster of your quality doesn't end up as toast....:cheesy:......(OMG cheesy toast !) because you've been highlighting options' threads in a contrasting satirical fashion.
The irony of your being banned and options remaining would be seriously bizarre.
Richard 🙂

And you think I'm taking the p1ss!
Why is this - Surely this is a site on which one is encouraged to express one's religious opinions.

eh? Why would it be encouraged here? In fact the less people say the better as it's tedious **** and there's places for that online.

Also, who the hell are you? 219 posts in under 2 months lurking in the shadows then cropping up to troll
eh? Why would it be encouraged here? In fact the less people say the better as it's tedious **** and there's places for that online.

Also, who the hell are you? 219 posts in under 2 months lurking in the shadows then cropping up to troll

Agree. Funnily enough. This site is and always has been repetitive. It always will be The same ****e over and over again. Why? It has become a victim of its own success.
eh? Why would it be encouraged here? In fact the less people say the better as it's tedious **** and there's places for that online.

Also, who the hell are you? 219 posts in under 2 months lurking in the shadows then cropping up to troll

Masq - my point exactly was that there are better places. If every member that was bored of the religious threads started a religious thread themselves, it would take the wind out of options sails.

As it is, by deleting the threads I posted and keeping his, they have somewhat given him a lift.

As for 219 posts - post count has no relevance to a member being able to post on an internet forum,